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You can't like, just send it... but you can accept a covering offer if you can't access the PS. Most people who can access the PS just sell a horse for a large price. Then the other person in the trade buys it and you have the money.

I'm AppaloosaCrazy on howrse.


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No, you can't. The only way to give equus is that your friend sells a horse and you buy it.

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Related questions

How do you send eques on Howrse?

You cannot gift other players equus on howrse.

What is haven for on Howrse?

If you send your horse there, you will get 400 equus and the horse will no longer be in your possession. You can go to the safe haven once a day to stroke a horse to win an apple, equus, etc. Hope this helped!

What happens on Howrse if your horse doesn't sell?

Keep trying. Don't send to SH though, it gives you 100 Equus less

On Howrse can a player give you money?

Not real money, or equus. They can give you objects which you can sell for money at the must both have been registered Have fun! my name on howrse is riorocks2621 if you need a hand add me as a friend then send a message!

Can you send black market objects to other people on howrse?

Yes! Just 10 days of seniority.

How do you win 1000 Equus playing with companions on howrse?

Purchase a companion in the Store that has an Equus advantage. This includes goats, hens, monkeys, rabbits, zebras, and frogs. Give the companion to a horse you own over the age of 1 year and 6 months. When you take care of the horse, play with the companion and you will earn equus. Over time it will add up to 1000 equus. If you give multiple horses companions and play with them, it will take less time. Unfortunately, Howrse has been having trouble with companions, so they are now holding a companion contest to "send the animals back to the wild" and in exchange you can recieve gifts.

What is safe heaven on Howrse?

a place you send your sick howrse !

Where do you send donations?

how do you send a donation to ow on howrse

Can you send passes on Howrse?

You can buy a horse via private sales for passes, but other than this you cannot directly send passes.

Why can't you send money to people on Howrse?

no you cant. the way people give money is you buy the persons horses if there for sale

On howrse on howrse can you give passes to a friend?

No you can't send someone else a pass but if you can access the private sales you can have them reserve a horse for you and you can buy that horse for a certain amount of equus + a pass. I wish you could send people passes and that you could sell bm items for passes.

How do you send your horse to haven on Howrse?

go to the haven and click the option to send your horse to haven.My name on howrse is Miss-Charli if u need a hand add me as a friend or send me a message!