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No it is illegal in the U.S to ship perscribed drugs.

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Q: Can you ship lexapro free samples across state lines without a prescription legally?
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Related questions

Is Lexapro illegal to have without prescription?

Yes, it definitely is. Any prescribed medicine is. Hope this was helpful.

Can you get lithium tablets without a prescription?

Not legally in the USA.

How can you get Lexapro without insurance?

Lexapro (Escitalopram) is a Non-controlled medication. I would say, Better you get the suggestion from your Doctor. Because none other than Doctor would know well about the medications. If the Doctor says okay, buy your Lexapro at without insurance and even without any prior written prescription.

Can you order adderal online without a prescription?

No, not legally. You must consult with your doctor and obtain a prescription if this drug is needed.

Seroquel without a prescription?

Not legally. But they prescribe it for just about everything, and its not terribly expensive.

Are sleeping pills illegal?

No not as such. However many of them are not legally sold without the prescription of a doctor

How can you legally carry prescription drugs without the original container?

Check your local laws.

Where can you order pet medications on the web without having a veterinarian prescription?

Nowhere legally in the United States; all prescription pet medications must have a veterinarian's prescription.

Where can you get syringes without a prescription in corona ca?

Pharmacies sell them behind the counter. In California, you can legally purchase up to three a day without a prescription. You will have to have your purchased logged electronically to enforce the maximum of three.

Are Xanax bars legal?

With a prescription, one can legally possess Xanax bars. However, these contain a scheduled substance (alprazolam), and thus they are illegal to possess without a prescription.

How do purchasing over-the-counter medicine and prescription differ?

Over the counter are drugs that can be obtainedley any without a doctors Prescription medicine can be legally purchased only when older by a doctor.

Can you fly with Adderall in your bag without a prescription?

If you did not have a prescription, it is illegal for you to have the Adderal. If you do have the Adderal legally, you should be fine as long as it is in the bottle the pharmacy issued it to you in. It is never wise to travel with unmarked pills, even when not flying.