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Arm Pit Rashes

Leg Rashes

Nose Rashes

Ear Rashes

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Q: Can you show a list of body rashes?
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Related questions

What does scarlet fever do to your body?

It gives you rashes and a swelling tounge!

What cause dark black rashes on your body?

Dark black rashes on your body could be caused by many things. One such thing is an autoimmune disease or some type of fungal infection.

What are some common causes of body rashes?

whith heat

Line-rashes in my body after bath is a sign of getting rid of ringworm?

raised linear rashes that appear after bathing may be secondary to allergy. they are called cold urticaria.

Why wearing dirty clothes is bad for your body?

because can give u infections and rashes

Understanding how the human body converts food into energy requires scientific knowledge from what areas?

Chemistry is one. If there are any others on your list, I'll mark them as soon as you show me the list.

Does hand foot mouth disease have rashes on body?

Yes. The patient with hand, foot and mouth disease has got rashes on the body. The rash is present predominantly on the palms and soles. It is maculopapular rash and may become vesicular. This is in contrast with chicken pox. There the palms and soles are usually spared.

Is red rashes covering the body a symptom of dengu fever?

Yep, now would be a good time to get your will in order.

Can diet effect skin?

It certainly can. If you are not eating a balanced diet there are various thing that can show on your skin. Spots and rashes for example

Do people have rashes?

Yes, people do have rashes. Even animals.

List three consequences of poor hygiene?

There are many consequences of poor hygiene. Some could be physical, emotional and social. Some of them are: 1)Body odor 2)Spread of air borne diseases 3)Being shunned by people 4)Body sicknesses 5)Skin diseases such as rashes 6)Emotional breakdown and depression

When a kid has rashes does it happen in the face?

When anyone has rashes, they can appear anywhere. It is not unnatural for someone to have rashes on their face, so if you are worried, you need not be.