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Q: Can you show a list of lost planes and ships in the Bermuda?
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Are mostly planes lost in the Bermuda triangle?

no not just planes most of them are ships,planes,boats and many other things

What is the meaning of Bermuda Triangle?

An area in the western Atlantic Ocean where many ships and planes are supposed to have been mysteriously lost .

Is the Bermuda triangle really cursed?

No. The triangle is a HUGE area, and the number of lost ships and planes is just as it should be, considering the size, and the amount of traffic.

How many lost ships were there at the Bermuda triangle?

about 48

Is the Bermuda triangle real or not?

Yes it is is an area with magnetic fields so high it just gets rid off/ breaks navigation systems causing the ships and planes to get lost in the huge storms they have there.

What explanation for ships lost in the Bermuda Triangle involves ships suddenly losing buoyancy and sinking quickly?

I have no idea

How do lost ships effect the Bermuda Triangle's ecosystem?

They don't. One has nothing to do with the other.

What exactly is the Bermuda triangle?

The Bermuda Triangle is an area of ocean where many planes, ships, and boats have gone missing without a trace. Often times, crafts will venture in there and are sometimes never again heard from. Bermuda, Miami, Florida, and San Juan, Puerto Rico form the points of the Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle is an area of the Atlantic Ocean - shaped like a triangle - with points in Bermuda, Florida, and Puerto Rico. A lot of planes and watercraft have supposedly disappeared in this area, where supernatural forces are blamed for the disappearance of ships, boats and planes, including Flight 19. People are to scared to see inside it cause its to mysterious that they might get lost in it. It is an area where many inexperience sailors and pilots have been lost. It has been hyped by the sensationalising press because it sells publications to gullible people who are willing to believe any outrageous story that is yet to be fully explained.

Is their a Government cover up in the Bermuda triangle?

it is possible, but maybe not the government. they have lost to man of their own ships and planes. it could very well be a group of the smartest people on earth. ive heard rumors about people like Marie Carie, and other people like the inventor of the atom bomb being lost in bermuda. search 39 clues ekarterina

Should you be nervous to travel a boat across the Bermuda Triangle?

No, now a days boats (and planes) have advanced compass, GPS, whatever(s) and don't get lost in the Bermuda Triangle.

Do planes disappear in the Bermuda Triangle?

It is not yet proven that planes dissipeeredAnother Person: im pretty sure planes have disappeared in the bermuda triangle. i know one plane disappears and was lost and the rescue plane went and never came back meaning it was also lost. ~ Keep Calm and LOVE Logan Lerman! HES SO HOT

Why in Bermuda Triangle ships get lost?

it is because of the magnetic attraction at that place. that is why travellers cannot understand which direction they are travelling .