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I'm just a 8 year old little girl i think its agents the law to smack a child's bottom because sometimes the mums/dads can actually crack then do it really hard and there bottom might get a red mark or a bruise and it can make your child feel unsafe SO NEVER EVER SMACK YOUR CHILD

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Q: Can you smack your child
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Can smack you smak your child in Australia?


When your going to tell a child something but they don't hear you what do you do?

smack them

What is smacking?

a smack is when a parent or guardian strikes their child with the palm

Can you smack your kid?

You cant because it could count as child abuse.

Why shoude children get smacked why they shoudent?

Do not smack your child because it is violence. Smacking your child it is not a good idea.

Is it illegal to smack children?

yes in some states child abuse you go to jail for cruelty to children

Are you allowed to smack your kid?

Yes and no, there are some countries where it is not allowed at all and others where there is no law to cover it. Developed countries generally don't allow it however it also depends on the nature of the smack. Some would consider a small tap to the hand or leg as a reprimand that is entirely acceptable but others consider any form of hitting a child to be wrong. I think the middle ground is best as children do need discipline as well as love and understanding. NO! that is your child! you smack your child...then it will do the same to their children. if its naughty...tell it off....DO NOT smack.

Do teacher smak a children?

In the UK, teachers are not allowed to smack or otherwise corporeally punish a child.

How can you use the word smack in a sentence?

(the word "smack" has a variety of uses, both formal and slang)"He gave the insubordinate child a smack on the rear and sent him upstairs.""The swinging sign would occasionally smack an unwary customer in the head.""The thought of all the Halloween candy made him smack his lips.""British officials monitored the Massachusetts colony to watch for any activities that might smack of sedition."(idiom - directly, squarely)"The visiting professor wound up smack in the middle of the tenure controversy."(slang - heroin)"He was arrested for dealing 'smack' and was sentenced to 20 years in prison."

How old should a child be before they receive spankings?

At least 4 before the child is given anything more then a smack or two across the seat of their pants.

Why do parents smack there children?

Because if the child has done something wrong then the parents smack them but I think that it should not be above the waste of a is wrong to manipulate a child for punishment. BUT, there is more ways to punish the child. I guess that they goose the one that has been proven to work.

How do you get a child to understand sit down and stay?

Smack Him/Her a few times, than next time they'll listen