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If you spay your dog before its first heat, you cut out the risk of mammary cancer. Larger breeds should wait until around 15-18 months of age to be spayed. Yes, spaying at 2 years of age will lower your dog's risks of mammary cancer, pyometria, uterine infections, etc. No matter what the age, it is always best to spay your dog in order to get a longer and healthier life for them.

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Q: Can you spay a 2 year old female dog?
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Dogs, just like people are better able to take care of babies if they themselves too young. A female dog should not be bred before her second heat cycle. If your female dog has already had a litter and you don't want to have this same experience twice a year (which isn't healthy for the dog!) now is the time to get your dog spayed, so you never have to worry about this again. There are many free and reduced cost spay clinics all over the country. Ask your vet's office or local animal shelter what spay programs are in your area.

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well,if its a female spayed male neutered.and u should spay it when it is a puppy for safety because if they have to many litters its considerd abuse if there are to many.

Can a 5 year old dog still be spayed?

This is a judgement call that you will have to make for yourself. On one hand, a 13-year old dog can become pregnant, which presents a challenge for what to do with the puppies. On the other hand, at 13 years old there is no preventive health reason to spay the dog - her risk of mammary and uterine cancer are already fixed and not likely to change at this point. However, if your dog has been diagnosed with diabetes or Cushing's disease, she should absolutely be spayed immediately. The hormone fluctuations associated with a cycling female make controlling both of these diseases almost impossible without spaying her first.

If you get a 3 to 4 year old dog and you have a dominant female dog what will happen?

You will end up getting a Rhino.

When is a female dog's first heat?

Usually between six months and a year old, but it is different for each dog.

When can you mate a toy fox terrier?

A toy fox terrier reaches maturity at 9months to 1 year bu t a female dog (bitch) could be in her first heat (when you can mate) when she is 18 months old toy fox terrier goes into this 28 days to 6month period twice a year. You need two find a good stud dog to breed your female stud dog is a male dog to breed with a female. i personal prefer to spay or nurture your amery toy (toy fox terrier). And don't breed for fun we don't want to increase the unwanted dog population.

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If we have a two year old quite high strung male Havanese dog and want another would you recommend a male or a female?

Dogs of opposite genders generally get along better than dogs of the same gender. The hardest combination to manage is usually two females. When getting dogs of opposite gender, be sure to spay and neuter to prevent unplanned litters.Other contributors have said:i would recommend a female because they could have babies an that could be good for the 2 year old. :) If you don't want them to have babies spay/neuter them...but if you find a nice really calm and relaxed but not shy male dog I TOTALY recommend that!!!!

When is the age a female dog comes into heat?

Usually between six months and a year old, but it is different for each dog.