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Possibly. I once knew a man who was obsessed with Classical Music, was hypersensitive, and talked too much.

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Q: Can you speculate whether or not someone has Asperger's Syndrome?
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Can someone with asperger syndrome become a chiropractor?

Someone with aspergers syndrome can certainly become a chiropractor, provided they can meet the educational criteria (4 years of undergraduate university, 4 years of chiropractic college, pass board exams). That being said, chiropractic is a health care profession that involves alot of one-on-one interaction between a doctor and his/her patient, and communication skills are a big asset. As aspergers syndrome is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction, a chiropractor with aspergers syndrome may have a difficult time interacting/communicating with his/her patients, and thus may not be very successful. Thus, although someone with aspergers COULD become a chiropractor, I would suggest that they strongly consider whether or not it is the right career choice for them.

Does it mean you have Asperger's Syndrome if you love pigs?

Loving pigs is not a symptom of Aspergers's Syndrome. You might have Asperger's Syndrome, but you might not. More information would be necessary to determine whether it is a possibility. A link to a list of symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome is provided below.

Can you take a test online for Asperger's Syndrome?

yes there are many tests for aspergers . there is one problem . getting a good score in a test does not mean you have aspergers . if you want to make sure that you have aspergers and you get a high score i suggest you sign up for a diagnosis . if you dont get a high aspie score its not likely you have aspergers and you shouldn't bother much . what a test says is not always true You could take an online test to give yourself an idea whether you could have Asperger syndrome, but to know for sure you would need to see a properly qualified professional, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist, for a thorough assessment.

How would an Aspie gain the trust of a Neurotypical?

Within the category of neurotypical people there is a wide range. Some are not flexible enough to ever trust a person with Aspergers Syndrome. Some are. Friendship is basically the same whether you have Aspergers Syndrome or not. You and your friend have mutual interests, you are helpful to each other, you forgive each others faults, you do the best you can within your limitations. Everyone makes compromises, regardless of their typical or atypical mental condition.

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Wormholes are theoretical concepts from physics that have not been observed. If they exist and could be used for travel, they may pose potential dangers such as gravitational forces or radiation. However, the actual risks are unknown since wormholes are purely theoretical at this time.

Turner's syndrome describe the genetic makeup of someone with this disorder?

The karyotype is 45X or 45X/46XX depending on whether all or only some of the cells are affected.

Is Gia from Bad Girls Club season 8 pregnant?

There is no information to indicate whether she is or is not. WikiAnswers does not speculate.

Should you marry a girl whose brother has aspergers?

Well the better question to ask is do you love her? I mean you must love her if you want to marry her and the point is here if you love her then what does it matter if her brother has aspergers. If you are having doubts about whether your kids will have aspergers then you will have to talk to your doctor but it shouldn't matter because with or without the disease it would still be your child and you shouldn't love it any less.

Is Devic syndrome a variant of multiple sclerosis?

It is still controversial whether Devic syndrome is a variant of multiple sclerosis.

What type of disorders are karyotyping used to diagnose?

Chromosomal disorders can be observed in a human karyotype. It can show whether there are extra chromosomes, or missing chromosomes, or malformed chromosomes, or whether chromosomes have extra pieces, or missing pieces.

Who is a good doctor for Asperger's Syndrome?

Dr. Tony Attwood! But unless you live in Australia, you will have to settle for buying his books! Lol! I'm unclear if whether you are asking what kind of doctor is good for those who have Aspergers, or if you are looking for a good doctor... But I will do my best to answer, either way... Typically a psychologist who is experienced with autism would do an evaluation and diagnosis. A Psychiatrist would prescribe any medication. (Although there isn't any "medicine for autism", those on the spectrum almost always have issues with depression and/or anxiety, due to feeling like a fish out of water... Other diagnoses like ADHD with the Aspergers may mean other kinds of medication, too.) Some go to occupational and "speech" therapy, although those are professionals, not doctors. The schools have a diagnostician, who has a degree in psychology with other schooling in things like special education. Adults (and kids, in my opinion actually benefit very much from something called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. This helps the Aspie change the way they feel about themselves, by changing what thoughts trigger which emotions. (You think about something, which triggers an emotions. Bad emotions, bad thoughts.) Unfortunately many doctors don't understand Aspergers, things like thought processes, motivations, etc. It's one thing to be knowledgeable about Aspergers, and another to really be able to understand the thinking. I'm an Aspergers Specialist, and I have Aspergers, so that really help me help the parents understand why their kiddo is doing what they are doing, and the best way to help the kiddo do it differently. If you are looking for someone to help you, I would suggest finding someone who is actually on the spectrum.

How is the personality of a Pisces affected by Asperger's syndrome?

The effects of Asperger's syndrome on individuals have nothing to do with whichever one of the twelve astrological signs of the Zodiac they might have been born under, since astrology is a pseudo-science. The condition has much the same general effect on a person whether that person is a Pisces, an Aquarius, or a Capricorn. Specific effects vary depending on the individual's environment, background, and character. All the people with Asperger's Syndrome that I know think astrological signs affecting personalities is foolish because it is not a true science. They think it is possible that environmental factors related to when you are born might affect personality. (For example, someone born at a time that makes him one of the oldest children in his grade at school is likely to be bigger and stronger than his elementary school peers, so that could affect him.) A person with Asperger's Syndrome will probably not think his or her personality has anything to do with being born under the Pisces sign.A person who believes the astrological signs dictate one's personality can look at a description of characteristics of Asperger's Syndrome and speculate on how it will affect the person and be as accurate as the astrological symbol is about personality. For example, a Pisces is supposed to be compassionate. A person with Asperger's Syndrome typically has a strong sense of social justice. So, you could speculate that this person will find a job where he or she is helping people. A Pisces is supposed to dislike crowds. A person with AS typically avoids interactions. So, you could speculate that this person will never leave his house, except when absolutely necessary.