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yeah the spine the calf the arm any place u stab someone has a chance of killing them because of veins

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1mo ago

Yes, it is possible to stab someone without killing them depending on the location and severity of the wound. However, stabbing can still cause serious injury and potential long-term consequences. It is important to avoid violence and seek help in resolving conflicts peacefully.

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What is the meaning of lynch?

The term "lynch" refers to the act of killing someone, often by hanging, without a legal trial or due process. It is typically carried out by a mob or group of people as a form of vigilante justice.

Can you own a stab proof vest in Australia?

In Australia, it is generally legal for individuals to own a stab-proof vest for personal protection. However, certain restrictions may apply depending on the state or territory laws. It is advisable to check with local authorities or law enforcement for specific regulations regarding the ownership of stab-proof vests in your area.

How does someone plagiarize?

Plagiarism occurs when someone copies or uses someone else's work, ideas, or words without giving proper credit or citation. This can include copying text or images directly, paraphrasing without proper citation, or using ideas from someone else's work without permission.

What is the definition of illegal detention?

Illegal detention refers to the act of holding someone against their will without legal justification or authority. This can involve detaining someone without proper legal procedures, exceeding the scope of lawful detention, or holding someone beyond the allowed duration without valid reasons.

Who is someone who agreed to work without pay?

One example of someone who agreed to work without pay is a volunteer at a non-profit organization. Volunteers typically offer their time and skills freely to help support a cause they are passionate about, without receiving financial compensation.

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