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fall right through because its only made of gas.

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Q: Can you stand on the surface of Jupiter or would you fall right through?
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How is Jupiter's surface?

Jupiter has no surface. It is a gas world. It is made up of gas, and thus, you cannot land on it.

Is it possible to stand on Jupiter?

Actually, no. there may be a solid surface at the core of Jupiter, but you would not be able to stand on it. Well to get to it because going through all those gases Jupiter is made up of may seem easy... possible but you would actually be crushed by the pressure of it and die a horrible death.

Similiarites between Venus' and Jupiter?

venus is a planet that has a hard surface and is about the same size as earth but Jupiter is a gas giant with no hard surface to stand on

What is the difference between Jupiter and the world?

Glad you asked. First of all, because Earth (the world) is an inner planet, it is terrestrial, with a hard, rocky surface of which you can stand on and walk on with enough gravity to hold you down. But unlike Earth, Jupiter is made of gas, as well as the other outer planets, and you cannot walk or stand on Jupiter. You will fall right through Jupiter if you tried to stand on it. Also, when you fall through Jupiter, its atmosphere's pressure will crush you, and you will, well, of course, be dead and gone. Also, Jupiter is way bigger tan Earth. Let's just say that if you put Earth and Jupiter right by each other, it will be like putting the tiniest Chihuahua right next to a gigantic Great Dane. Last, but most certainly not least, Earth's and Jupiter's weather and temperatures are completely different. Because Earth is closer to the Sun than Jupiter, Earth's temperature and weather are warmer and milder than Jupiter's. Well, there. I sure hope I helped! -Nia Thomas 6th grader 12 years old :-)

Problems and solutions to sending humans to Jupiter?

jupiter is a gas planet so if you tried to stand on jupiter you would sink through

What can be seen from Jupiter's surface?

Jupiter is what is called a gas giant, and the "surface" is buried hundreds of miles below the tops of the clouds. If you could survive the pressure to stand there, which you probably couldn't, you would not be able to see anything.

Will the planet Jupiter be colonized by humans?

No. Jupiter is a gas giant with no surface to stand on. If a ship were to try to land on Jupiter, it would descend through an atmosphere of hydrogen and helium that would become gradually more dense. As atmospheric pressure builds, the atmosphere slowly becomes very hot liquid. So, no.

Can you stand on Neptunes surface or would you fall right through yes or no?

Neptune does have a solid surface beneath its thick, thick atmosphere. You would fall through the visible surface (then fall 20% of the planets diameter) but would probably be able to stand on the solid surface beneath. ( Note, we do not know for sure because no direct measurements have been taken).

Does jupier have mountains?

Jupiter is a gas giant planet, with no solid surface to stand on (except for it's core) so no it does not have mountains

What is a sentence with the word surface tension?

Some insects can stand right on the surface tension of the water.

How Strong Is Jupiter's Atmosphere?

Basically, Jupiter is made up only of atmosphere. The gas giants like Jupiter don't have a solid surface you can stand on, as on Earth; they are made up of an atmosphere that just gets denser and denser as you go further into the planet.

Can you bounce on Jupiter?

No. There are two reasons. First, Jupiter does not have a solid surface, so there is nothing to bounce on. Second, the gravity on Jupiter is more than twice as strong as it is on Earth. Even if there was a solid surface most people would not be able to stand.