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Q: Can you still be living together when you file for divorce in Georgia?
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You can have a final divorce and still be living together in the same house. The divorce is just a legal recognition of separation. What you do in your relationship is up to you.

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Yes, you can live together and still get a divorce.

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You can file for divorce even if your husband was still living at home. However, divorce laws vary by state.

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Yes, they are still together. I heard recently that they are living together.

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No she is not! In a recent interview with her she said that there is not a divorce in their future...

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well a divorce decree means that you are not together anymore. it all depends on the country if you are still unsure do some research and do some more discussion.

Is it legally a divorce after 18 years of separation in NC?

You can only be legally divorced if you get a legal divorce. It doesn't matter how long you have been separated. Separation only means you are no longer living together. Separation is not divorce. You are still married. What's keeping you from getting a legal divorce? I think you already know you are still legally married. Who is it you are trying to fool...or is it that still being married keeps you from being able to make the kind of commitment that the person you are now with probably wants. Nice safety net for you.. but not very mature. Get a divorce and get on with it.

Can you file for divorce if you still live together in Maryland?

Yes you can file for a divorce even if you both live together in Maryland, then you must stay separate for one full year.

If your wife and you are not living together anymore but she does not want a divorce can she still be dating or sleeping with another man even though you r still married?

as far as married is concerned the eyes of God,ure still that case, the wife is not allowed to sleep with any other men neither see any other men..unless both are legally divorce..if she does sleep with any other men,it means shes cheating on her husband and commit a big sin..why not she dont want a divorce when she wanna be with someone else?..and if youre not living together and doesnt have love for each other,why still keeping your relationship when you both dont want to stay together and compromise on each other..

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