

Best Answer

anyone can get a divorce but a direct court order from a judge on parenting classes has to do with your children. you need to revise your question to better understand what you are asking.

I don't understand what parenting classes has to do with a divorce.

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Q: Can you still get a divorce in Oregon without a parenting class?
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Can a divorce in Indiana be stopped if parenting classes have not been ordered by a judge?

In the state of Indiana, it is law for you to go to a parenting class before a judge will sign your divorce decree if you have children. In fact you can't even get a hearing if you have not completed the class. You are supposed to complete the class within 30 days of filing for divorce. It does not need to be ordered by a judge since it is already a law.

Do you have to do parenting classes in divorce in Johnson County Indiana?

If you file for a divorce in Johnson County, Indiana and have minor children, you will be ordered to take a class called Families In Transition through the Johnson County Youth Services Bureau, (dba) Youth Connections. This class offers practical information on helping children cope with the effects of divorce, positive communication between parents and developing co-parenting plans. Adults and children between the ages of 8 and 16 attend the class.

Are there any good parenting classes?

I searched on the internet for parenting classes and I found this online parenting class. Here is the link for the class Hope this helps!

trying to find a location for court ordered parenting class in Huntsville Alabama?

This website may be able to help you. free court ordered parenting class in minnesota

I need to attend a parenting class in Pasco County, Florida before July 8, 2009. Where can I take it and how much will it cost me Jozef Vojaovic?

There are several ongoing parenting classes offered in this area monthly. Pasco ? Hernando Community College offers "Divorce and its Impact on Children" for $14.72. Also, "Parents, Children, And Divorce" are offered at Pascal County with information at this website for $30.

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How do I find parenting classes online?

There are many websites that offer parenting classes online. is a great website for an online parenting class. Another wonderful website is