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Generally speaking no, you need to determine why you are not having monthly periods, but no period usually means you are not ovulating.

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Q: Can you still get pregnant even if you get no monthly period?
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If you have your period the day after you have unprotected sex can you still get pregnant?

YES. Even if you're actually on your period, you can get pregnant.

How do you know if you're pregnant if you have your period?

A pregnancy test would still be positive even if you were still getting your period

You are having period symptoms but no bleeding could you be pregnant?

Even in the presence of bleeding, you could still be pregnant.

Even if you have your period can you still be pregnant?

Some cases have shown that some women have had period like symptoms while pregnant

Can a girl still have her period even if she is a virgin?

Yes, all girls have periods. If you skip your period you are probably pregnant. Periods tell you that you are not pregnant.

Can a girl still bleed or have her period if shes pregnant?

Yes it is possible for a woman to still bleed fromher period even if pregnant. This may happen one to two times after fertilization.

How do you know if you're pregnant even if theres a period?

chances are if your having your period your not pregnant but if your still unsure then take a test or go to your doctor, he can tell you.

Can you still get pregnant even though you have had a period after unprotected sex?

You should not get pregnant under the given circumstances.

Does birth control still work when you are on your period?

Yes but you dont get pregnant on your period even without birth control.

Can I still get pregnant after age 50?

in my opinion yes you can because an expert says that when you stop having your period then your maybe to old to be pregnant but if you still have your period then don't even wait just go for it!!

Is it possible to be pregnant if you had a period three weeks after intercourse?

Yes. it is possible. A woman can have a few periods or even regular monthly periods during pregnancy.

How old have ya got to be to have a baby?

no age limmit, you can even have it b4 your period. some girls have even had it at the age of 12!!! I am 13 and a half and I still havent had my period, I could still get pregnant.