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No. The egg won't be fertilized and it will be a yolk. But then again, if you want scrambled eggs, then i guess you can have it without the rooster.

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Q: Can you still have healthy chicken eggs without a rooster?
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When is a chicken not a chicken?

When it's still an egg. When it's devoured by a campfire. When it's a rooster, fighting for it's territory with another rooster.

Why would a chicken rooster mate with a young turkey?

Yes because the young turkey is part of the chicken rooster

Is it bad to eat baked chicken at night?

Yes and No. It depends on the chicken... either hen or rooster! Thus still eating chicken at night is OK to do. Thanks for asking this question ROBERT! ( I think your name is that )

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A capon chicken is any male chicken that has been castrated. Whatever the breed is will determine the eventual size of the bird. A caponized bantam rooster will still be small when full grown.

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garlic and rosemary

What is the difference between a hen and a rooster?

There is no difference. A cock is a mature male chicken, also called a rooster. A cockerel is a immature male chicken. ha that IS a difference lol. and the question was between a rooster and a cockerel, not a cock :) Well, etymologically, the difference is in the USE of said bird. 'Rooster' is an adult male bird kept for EATING, or one who occupies the roost, as opposed to a bird kept for breeding purposes.... Hence I have a cage of roosters without any hens, that I will slaughter for the table, but I have only one cock with each group of hens. A bird over a year, but still edible is a rooster, a bird over 5 and not headed for the table, but kept for breeding is a cock.

Whats the difference between a chicken and a hen?

The term chicken is used to refer to the bird itself. The female chicken is called a "hen" the male chicken is called a "rooster". Interestingly, many English speaking people do not know that.A hen is a chicken. It is a female chicken and a rooster is a male chicken

What cartoon had a rooster?

Foghorn Leghorn? There were a lot of cartoons with roosters. Try to be more specific.

How long can a chicken egg last without its mother?

Under ideal conditions, Dark, damp and cool, a fertilized egg can still be viable for up to 7 days. Eggs left in a nest with no broody hen to set on them should be thrown away after day 8. They will not be suitable for hatch or for eating.

Can chickens hatch eggs without the help of a rooster?

If the rooster was around a week before the eggs were laid then, yes, they can be hatched. But if there has never been a rooster around then, sorry, there can't be any chicks. You can buy already fertilized eggs for chickens to sit on and hatch even if you don't have a rooster.

Is a hen less apt to sit on an unfertilized egg?

No. A broody hen is a broody hen and will sit on golf balls once the urge to nest takes her. Hens do not instinctively know if the eggs they are brooding are fertile or not. Hens in a chicken coop without a rooster among the flock will still go broody.

Would removing skin from fried chicken make it very near the nutritional value of roasted chicken?

It would make it similar in terms of calorie content however there are still differences which would make skinless fried chicken less healthy. Skinless fried chicken would still contain more fat and a lot more sodium (salt).