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Q: Can you still use cabbage if take black spots off?
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Are green beans still good if they have black spots on them?

if you buy them at the grocery store...take them back...its your call to eat them or not...if you have done it for years and didnt get sick..go ahead

How long does it take for cauliflower to go bad?

It gets small black spots on the florets.

Do hounds have black spots on the roof of their mouths?

No and if yours does you need to take it to the vet it might have an infection

Can hamster eat uncooked cabbage?

yes it healthier because cooked cabbage take out the nutrients of cabbage

I rescued a long haired white dog with black spots and I am trying to figure out what kind of dog it is. It has two coats the short thick coat has the black spots and his top coat is long and white.?

it might be a shih tzu, but if i were, you, I would take the dog to a vet to get examined.. they might know.

Are vitamins safe to eat if they have black spots all over them they expired in 2008?

You should not take any medications or dietary supplements that have expired.

How do you take care of big cabbage?

Water it and take it to a fair to WIN!!!

How long do you leave the Bleach in when bleaching your hair MY hair is black and looks almost orange in some spots but at the ends its still dark?

You can leave bleach on the hair for up to an hour. After this it will not work. You have to make a fresh batch. The more time that the bleach is out in the air the less time you have to put it on the hair. The ends are dark because there is more of a build up of colour there. You will have to do this on a few separate occasions. Because your hair is black the bleach will take longer to take the colour out. Black changes to red, the orange then blonde, it does take longer to get black out.

How long does it take to steam cabbage?

The times for steaming cabbage may vary, depending on the amount of cabbage you cook. For example; 2 pounds of cabbage has to be cooked for 45 minutes. While 9oz of cabbage would only need to be cooked for 10 to 20 minutes.

What are your ticklish spots?

Tickle them everywhere and take note on which spots make them laugh or squirm

Are there any house cleaning tips using a black light?

Yes, If you have a cat that pees on the carpet but you don't know where it is,take the black light and shine it on the carpet it will show the spots where your cat has peed as a light green color.

How long does it take for red cabbage to grow?

5 to 6 months