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Q: Can you stop egg laying in conures?
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How do you stop egg laying?

There is no way to stop a chicken from laying eggs; It's nature's way.

Is a crocodile an egg laying mammal?

No. A crocodile is an egg-laying reptile. A platypus is an egg-laying mammal.

What makes a bantam quit laying eggs?

Various reasons will decrease or stop egg laying. Laying tends to die off in the winter when the days are shorter and the weather cooler. Older chickens will also experience decreased egg production. If a chicken is not in an ideal environment or is experiencing stress or depression they might stop laying altogether.

What is an egg laying mammal?

The platypus and the echidna are egg laying mammals. Egg-laying mammals are known as monotremes.

What is an egg-laying marsupial?

There are no egg-laying marsupials. There are, however, two types of mammals which are egg-laying, and they are known as monotremes. Platypuses and echidnas are both monotremes, the only known egg-laying mammals.

Why are the platypus and echidna not recognised as egg laying mammals?

The platypus and echidna are recognised as egg-laying mammals. They are monotremes, which are egg-laying mammals.

Egg-laying mammals are placental mammals?

No. Egg-laying mammals are monotremes.

What do all egg laying mammals have?

Egg-laying mammals, known as monotremes, have a cloaca.

What name is given to egg laying mammals?

Egg-laying mammals are known as "monotremes".

Which order of mammals is egg laying?

The order Monotremata, or monotremes, are egg-laying mammals.

What term is used for egg laying creatures?

Egg laying mammals are called monotremes.

At what age does a hen stop laying eggs?

Egg production varies with the breed of chicken. In general, chicks start their egg laying at about 5 to 6 months old and reach peak production at about two years. Egg laying starts to decline at about three years. As the chicken ages, egg production is less reliable until they stop completely. Non productive chickens can live up to as old as 12 years.