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Only by having the dog spayed. If you're not breeding, this is often promoted as the responsible choice. I spay or neuter all of my pets.

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Q: Can you stop your female dogs' season?
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Is there anything you can spray on them when there in season to stop dogs smelling them?

No, male dogs can smell a female in heat from 3 to 5 miles away, the only way to stop it is to have her spayed.

When a female dogs in season can she turn nasty on the male dog?

Yes. Female humans can get moody when they are in season and so can female dogs.

How long does a female dog in season last?

The female dogs come in to season or heat twice a year. Each season last fiive to 10 days.

What causes vaginal bleeding in female dogs?

it will probally be mating season so the female will get its periods.

When do you pair a male and female dogs to mate?

when the dog is on there season hope this helps stigy22

I heard that dogs will stop eating before the day she has her puppies is that true?

Alot of female dogs will stop eating 3 days before they delivery their puppies.

My female dog won't stop licking?

Dogs that lick excessively are nervous.

How often will your puppy come into season?

Female dogs usually come into season every 6 months but it can vary from dog to dog.

What part of a female dogs cycle when they are most fertile?

The best time for mating a female is between the seventh and fourteenth day of her season.

How do you stop a male dog who is not fixed from sniffing at other male dogs especially when he is in heat?

There is no easy way to stop dogs from sniffing each other as this is the way dogs find out information about things. A male dog does not go into heat. Only female dogs do.

How do male dogs attract female dogs?

usually its the same with any other dog, except if the female has a bad temperament (more so to unspayed females) or vice versa or if shes in season (when in season avoid at all costs!! O.O) male dogs will cause self destruction to get to a female in heat.

Do domestic rabbits go in season like dogs?

No they are always ready to breed. A female rabbit can get pregnant the day she has babies.