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No, male dogs can smell a female in heat from 3 to 5 miles away, the only way to stop it is to have her spayed.

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Q: Is there anything you can spray on them when there in season to stop dogs smelling them?
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Why do dogs put their face in girl dogs pee?

When dogs put their faces in other dogs' eliminations, they are smelling it. By smelling it they can find out the other dog's gender, what they last ate, if they at in season, and how old they are.

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i think it was a chemical that prevented dogs from smelling anything suspicious.

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in smelling.

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Is there anything you can put on your dogs paws so she stops chewing them?

I used a spray called bitter apple to keep a dog from chewing

Can a spray to kill lice on humans work on dogs?

It is often illegal to kill dogs with a lice spray, even if they are attached to you.

Why does your dogs sniffs things when you walk it?

Dogs sniff things because this is how they find out about their environment. By smelling the telephone at the end of your street they can tell how many male dogs have peed on it. They can also tell what other kinds of animals have been in the area by smelling.

Is the wolve's smelling ability better than dogs?

I'm not exactly sure, but, I think that wolves have better smelling abilities than dogs because, they are more wild and really need to use their senses to hunt prey and to survive. Also, it depends which dog it is and what breed it is, some dogs have better smelling abilities than others.

What should you spray on the legs of a table to keep dogs from chewing on them?

You don't have to spray anything the only reason they chew on thing is because the dogs are bored. Get them out exercising as much as you can to end this problem. When you catch chewing on the legs of the table, make a sharp noise and give them something you DO want them to chew on.

Is human breath spray ok for a dog?

No. Its "human" breath spray and is not for dogs. You can get things that help dogs breath if that's the issue

Dogs smelling frequency on human?

They can smell food on you, or they are exploring a foreign smell.

Why are animals used in fox hunting?

dogs with high smelling like bloodhound