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I would rub it lightly with either apple-juice or lemon-juice before storing it, as this will help to prevent discolouration by the air. I would also put it into a plastic box, or wrap it in cling-film, to protect it, and to help delay spoilage.

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14y ago

Refrigeration slows the rate of decay as does keeping the fruit out of daylight. So yes, but not for too much longer.

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12y ago

Yes, most bananas would easily fit in a refrigerator.

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Q: Can you store peeled bananas in the refrigerator?
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Can you store peeled and cored apples overnight in refrigerator?

Yes you can and they might turn a little brown, BUT THAT'S OK!!!!! :)

Do bananas need refigeration?

no bananas go black in the refrigerator

Why do bananas turn black when peeled?

because exposed to air and rotts

What materials would I use to answer will bananas brown faster on the counter or in the refrigerator?

A refrigerator, a counter, and two bananas (preferably from the same cluster).

Why should you never put bananas in the refrigerator?

If you put bananas that have not been peeled in the fridge the skin will turn black. The banana itself will still be fine. I know this because during humid weather i put them in the fridge so they don't go mushy.

How long can you keep mashed bananas in the refrigerator?

Bananas do not keep well, a day maybe two.

Do bananas rot faster in the light or in the refrigerator?

In light, because in a refrigerator bacteria is less likely to survive as long as outside of a refrigerator

How do you keep banana from turning brown?

Eat themEat them. Bananas continue to ripen after being picked. They are considered to be ideal when a few brown spots appear, although many people prefer green bananas and over-ripe ones. DO refrigerate them, if they are browning faster than you can eat them- the skin will darken but the fruit will stay fresher longer. To slow ripening, don't store bananas with other fruit- ie the typical fruit basket or bowl is not a good idea for bananas, as they ripen too fast.

Do bananas rot faster on the counter or in the refrigerator?

Refridgerator yea it will

Is it safe to eat bananas when they have been stored in a refrigerator with their pealings on?

Yes, it should be perfectly safe, if the bananas are not rotten.

How can you preserve bananas?

Bananas can be preserved by drying thin slices in a food dehydrator. They can also be dried outdoors or in the oven. See related links below. Bananas can also be frozen sliced, or whole (peeled or unpeeled).

What materials would you use to answer will bananas brown faster on the counter or on the refrigerator?

two bananas, a counter, a fridge, and some time.