

Can you substitue splenda for honey?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Can you substitue splenda for honey?
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What is better for you Splenda white sugar or honey and why?

Honey is definitely better for you. White sugar is bleached and void of alll nutrients. Splenda has aspartame which many believe to be harmful for you. Honey is filled with natural nutrients (if you buy pasteurized then some of the bacteria and nutrients have been burned away). It also has lots of great minerals, vitamins and is a natural and pure source of energy/sugar!

How do you make sugar free fudge?

Just substitute the sugar in your recipe with honey, splenda, equal or whatever sweetener you want.

What is Splenda?

Splenda is an artificial sweetener.

Is splenda a sugar?

No Splenda is not a reducing sugar.

When was Splenda created?

Splenda was created in 1999.

What is in artificial sweetener?

Artificial sweetners are man-made, non-natural sweetners. They may be made from other sugar like Splenda (sucralose), or salt based (aspartame).

Is splenda gluten free?

Splenda is not gluten free.

Does Splenda or Equal ferment yeast faster?


Is splenda real sugar?

No Splenda is not a reducing sugar.

What can you substitute for sugar when baking?

I would not normally recommend this as honey contains moisture (liquid) that granulated sugar does not, also honey is sweeter than granulated sugar. Not only that, honey has it's own flavor and there is a big difference in the two taste.That being said to use sugar in place of honey in a recipe per cup (approx) use 1 1/4 cup sugar plus 1/4 cup more liquid.

Does splenda contain proteins?

No; splenda contains sugars, which are carbohydrates.