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Generally, yes. It will all depend on the voltage and the current capabilities of the supply. Mostly in torches (flashlights), you can. Using a krypton bulb wil be brighter but draw more current, reducing the life of the batteries.

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Q: Can you substitute a regular light bulb for a krypton light bulb?
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How does krypton make a light bulb brighter?

it explodes

Does the light of a light bulb make the grass grow faster?

a regular light bulb-no.

What does 3157k mean in light bulbs?

3157 is the bulb type, the "K" means the bulb is filled with the inert gas Krypton.

Who invented the krypton light bulb?

Sir. Desmadina Callacast (indian, haters gonna hate)

What is the name for a regular light bulb?


What gas is in light builbs?

A mixture of nitrogen and argon is commonly used in regular priced household lightbulbs. More expensive bulbs might contain krypton or argon, both of which will increase the life and efficiency of the bulb. Ray

What is the difference between a LED light bulb and a regular?

a regular light bulb emits about 80% heat energy and only 20% light energy, whereas leds emit about 70 % light and 30% heat

What is the difference between a black light and a regular light bulb?

The black light is in jail

Will a regular led light bulb work as a grow light?

Yes you can use it.

What are some uses for krypton?

Krypton is REALLY expensive, so it isn't used very much. There are two uses for it: in lighting, a Krypton-filled bulb gives off an excellent white light. it is used in triple-pane windows as an insulating gas.

How many apples does it take to light a light bulb?

I think that the orange and nails light up the light bulb because the acid energy goes through the nails and into the wires connected to the light bulb and powers the light bulb

Why does your Maglite flashlight blow the light bulb as soon as you turn it on?

If you have recently purchased light bulbs for your light, it is probably because you have bought the wrong voltage bulb. There are several different types of MagLites and each one must match the voltage of the batteries to the voltage of the bulb. For example: If you bought a 3v bulb (2-cell) and put it in a 4-C Maglite, you'll blow the bulb (4 batteries x 1.5v = 6v total) There are two types of brand-name bulbs for incandescent (non-LED) Maglites. The original OEM bulb was a Krypton bulb and the newer, brighter bulbs are Xenon. They are available for all two through six cell C and D size Maglite flashlights. Krypton bulbs LWSA201 - 2-Cell Krypton LWSA301 - 3-Cell Krypton LWSA401 - 4-Cell Krypton LWSA501 - 5-Cell Krypton LWSA601 - 6-Cell Krypton Xenon bulbs LMSA201 - 2-Cell Xenon LMSA301 - 3-Cell Xenon LMSA401 - 4-Cell Xenon LMSA501 - 5-Cell Xenon LMSA601 - 6-Cell Xenon See the "Related Links" for examples of each