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No, they are very different ingredients.

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Q: Can you substitute baking yeast for brewers yeast when making dog treats?
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What is the good thing making treats?

Making treats for your self or to your friends can save money. You can decide how do you want to design it or create it to make it more fancy. ♥ :) ( cupcakes love it) hahah

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They are crispy treats that are used for baking brownies and cake! DON'T BE A SWEETO BE A QUEETO!

Can dogs eat breath mints?

They make mint flavored treats for dogs. Do NOT give them anything sugar free as the substitute eg xylitol is lethal to dogs

Can bread yeast be used instead of brewer's yeast in making dog treats?

nope it is not good.

Can anyone suggest a homemade diet for your overweight dog?

i would make a homemade dog treats with baking powder,peanut butter, ang weat flower.. its healthy

What are fun halloween treats for people to give out?

While candy corn and chocolate are certainly past time favorites, it all depends on what kind of treats you would like to hand out (i.e. healthy snacks, sweet treats, or even money) If you are interested in making homeade treats or fun items that are now even "green friendly" offers great homeade goody bag ideas/treats for you trick or treaters.

How to Cut the Fat in Your Favorite Baking Recipes?

Just because you are on a diet doesn't mean that you have to stop preparing your favorite baking recipes. In fact, you can still enjoy all of your favorite treats if you make certain tweaks to your baking recipes and keep a handle on your portions. For instance, consider using sugar-free and low-fat ingredients when you can, such as low-fat margarine instead of full-fat butter. Also, consider covering your cakes and other sweets with a healthy fruit sauce instead of a fattening frosting. Another option is to use applesauce or mashed bananas in place of some or all of the oil in your favorite recipes. Making these changes can make a major difference in how healthy your favorite treats are, and you can still enjoy all of your favorite sweets.

What exactly are Passover cake recipes?

Passover cake recipes are usually recipes for cakes that are kosher. Some families may have traditions of baking certain types of cakes as Passover treats.

What is a panini press used for?

A Panini Press is an appliance used for making Paninos, which are upgraded versions of the American Grilled Cheese sandwich. They are very simple to use for making very delicious treats.

What are the function or uses of loaf pan?

There are many functions and uses of muffin pans. They can of course be used for making all kinds of muffins. They can also be used for making mini-pizzas, tarts, and other tasty treats.

I know rosemary extract can be used to keep homemade dog treats stay fresher longer. How much rosemary extract do you use when making your own dog treats?

I'd say 1/2 teaspoon to 1 teaspoon per batch.

How many calories are in rice crispy treats?

theres every little butter its untastable. it depends on how many your making i guess