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Whether you can sue a landlord for anything has nothing to do with whether you are on Section 8 (now known as the Housing Choice Voucher Program, or HCVP), or whether the landlord accepts HCVP vouchers. If the repairs he is ordered to make by Code Enforcement is not made he will be fined by Code Enforcement every day that violation is made. If because of the lack of repairs you cannot live in the home, you can terminate the lease and move out. If you are on HCVP you can have your Housing Program Coordinator (HPC) come and inspect the place (called an interim inspection). If the HPC comes and inspects the place, and finds it in violation of Housing Quality Standards (HQS), your HPC can fail the unit's inspection and order the landlord to fix the problem or your landlord can lose the Housing Assistance Payments (HAPs) that Housing Authority makes on your behalf. If this happens your HPC will allow you to find a new place to live and relocate there. As long as you pay your rent anywhere, whether you are on HCVP or not, you are agreeing to stay there and abide by the rules on the lease. So if something needs repairs you need to deal with it right then and there before the problem gets worse. You may be able to sue your landlord for damages in some instances if you are forced to live in bad conditions because the landlord won't fix the problem. You can also, following the right procedures, have the problem fixed yourself and then offset the costs from the rent. Check with your HPC about this. By the way there is no such thing as a Section 8 Landlord: either he accepts HCVO vouchers or not. If he does accept such vouchers he is subject to Housing Authority rules and federal regulations regarding the HCVP, such as he may not charge you any other monthly amount of rent but the amount that your Housing Authority tells you that you pay, inter alia.

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Q: Can you sue a sec 8 landlord for back rent for Code ordered repairs he refuses to do?
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You can also legally refuse to pay rent until the problem is fixed. The landlord has to maintain a habitible structure, and it sounds like yours is not. Withholding rent is often a very effective way to get a problem dealt with. You should also call you local Code Enforcement office. The can fine your landlord or declare the structure unsound, letting you off the hook for any rent or damages. If the landlord fails to comply with code enforcement, he can face legal penalties. Or you can go to DHEC humane service and report it.

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As long as you are living in the home, you always have to pay the rent. However there are remedies and rights you have when your home is in disrepair. Check with Code Enforcement in the area you live in. If the home is in great disrepair that you cannot live in it, you have the right to terminate your lease or to have the items repaired, then offset the rent for such repairs. You must give notice of at least seven days before the rent is due, and this may not be for frivolous repairs (the repair must be essential, like a water heater). The Landlord still can file eviction proceedings but you will probably win and your landlord probably knows this.

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