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Q: Can you sue for fraud if you find out the child is not yours?
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What if a child is proven not yours but you have been supporting that child for the whole year of its life?

If you have paid child support and it turns out the child is not yours you are entitled to sue for repayment of the money.

Can you be charged for back child support if the woman said that the kid is not yours and You just find out about it that it is?

If the child is an adult, no. If someone else has paid in your place he can sue you for the money. Otherwise, yes.

Can a dad sue the biological father for back child support when he finds out that his daughter isn't really his own?

A legal dad can sue in this instance, but it is highly unlikely that he would win. If the mother of the child knew who the father, she can be sued for paternity fraud.

I have a question about fraud that involves a karate teacher and whether I have grounds to sue that I need help with?

You would have to provide specifics. In general, fraud is against the law and could result in criminal charges. In addition, you can always sue if you can find an attorney who will take the case.

Can you sue for shoe fraud?

Don't think so.

Husband abandoned our marriage now i find he's gay can you sue for fraud and breech of contract?

It depends entirely on the laws of your state.

Can you sue for fraud if someone misrepresents facts?

Yes, you could

If you never married the father of your child and claim you did to receive child support is that fraud?

Yes. And it's also incredibly stupid: marriage is a matter of public record, so it's easy to tell you're lying, AND you can sue for child support whether you were married or not.

Can you get eighteen years back child support?

No, you cannot get money back that you paid in child support. There may be circumstances where you could sue a person for some of that money back if you found out the child was not yours.

Can you bring a lawsuit against the mother for past child support you paid if you find out the child is not yours?

Yes, you can file a civil suit. But it is hard to win. The law is not on the mans side. Actually it depends on the state. In fact, in Oregon they are trying to pass a paternity fraud bill that allows the man to stop payment if he finds out the child isn't his without a time frame. Right now the period of time to challenge paternity is 1 year. Sorry to say, but this bill does not allow the father to sue for child support already paid, but will eliminate past due child support, and the courts may continue his visitation with child in the case that he still wants it. Ohio on the other hand, I believe, allows for him to sue for that paid money. Check the laws in your state. in the majority of states you wouldn't get any money back after paying child support

Can you sue a high school if they lost your child's scholarship papers and no scholarships were awarded?

You could because it is their responsibility to keep them organized not yours. You would probably win the case.

Can you sue your ins company for fraud?

Fraud is a criminal act, contact authorities first, civil action after.