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It depends, if its AIDS and he knew he had when he had sex with you, he can be charged with assault, but if its just a normal Herpes or Crabs, you have no legal right to sue him.

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Q: Can you sue your ex to pay for std testing after you found him cheating?
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What state you can't get married in with an STD?

Yes. No states in the US require STD testing to obtain a marriage certificate.

How confidential is std testing?

Confidential STD testing is used in accordance to the rules and regulations of various different medical associations and communities as well as experts.

How do you write code C plus plus program to compute nett salary for 5 employees given that the allowance is 20 percent of basic pay and income tax is 30 percent of the gross salary?

#include<iostream> #include<string> #include<sstream> int main() { for (size_t employee=1; employee<=5; ++employee) { bool ok = false; while (!ok) { std::string input; std::cout << "Employee #" << employee << std::endl; std::cout << "Enter basic pay: "; std::getline (std::cin, input); std::stringstream ss; ss << input; double pay; if (ss >> pay) { double allowance = pay * 20 / 100; double tax = (pay-allowance) * 30 / 100; double nett = pay - tax; std::cout << "Basic pay:\t" << pay << std::endl; std::cout << "Allowance:\t" << allowance << std::endl; std::cout << "Tax:\t\t" << tax << std::endl; std::cout << "Nett:\t\t" << nett << std::endl; ok = true; } else { std::cout << "Bad input\n"; } } std::cout << std::endl; } }

My woman told me she has an std but i don't have any is this a sign that she is cheating?

Yes most likely

Is there anywhere to get free STD testing?

There are some medical clinics that may offer free STD testing. I would check with local shelters to see where the clinics are and see if they will test for free or a low fee.

If you got a std from my boyfriend does that mean his cheating on me?

sexually transmited dissease! umm...probablly!..but..who knows! :)

What is the difference between PCR-genital testing and STD testing?

PCR-genital testing is a specific type of test that uses polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology to detect the presence of genetic material from pathogens in genital samples. STD testing, on the other hand, is a more general term that refers to a range of tests used to diagnose sexually transmitted infections (STIs) through various methods, including blood tests, urine tests, and swabs. PCR-genital testing is a more targeted approach that may be used as part of an STD testing regimen to detect specific pathogens in the genital area.

Does it mean that he is cheating if you burn after sex?

consult your doctor, you could have an std and yeah that's a sign of infidelity

Is STD testing an accurate way to check for diseases?

STD testing may not be accurate if the infection is not present and this will depend on the disease. Some diseases have no symptoms and some individuals may be just carriers of the disease, leaving one with the impression that they are sick.

What are some different types of blood tests?

There is HIV testing,allergy testing,cancer blood testing,STD testing. There are different types of blood tests. They help doctors check you for diseases and different things.

How do you do STD test on man?

Your physician will advise the tests for you. The pathologist will take your blood and urine for the testing.

Ok you believe your husband is cheating may even just gave you an STD?

Have your doctor give you your proper diagnosis and get treatment for your STD if that is what it is then confront your husband. He will likely try to deny it if it is true and possibly accuse you of cheating because you will say you have an STD (he should get checked asap too) but if you feel that you are truly being cheated on you should not put up with this treatment and make a decision that is in your best interest - think about it - he possibly gave you an STD are you going to wait around for HIV/AIDS...