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(in the US) ANYBODY can sue ANYONE or ANYTHING. The question you have to ask yourself is what are your chances of being successful.

Also: If you had to have a Public Defender appointed to defend you on a crimional charge HOW are you then able to afford an attorney to sue the the Public Defender's Office?

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Q: Can you sue your public defender for stress and poor treatment?
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what is a public defender?

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If rich-- go with a criminal defense attorney. If poor, rely on a public defender, the internet, and any attorneys' that donate time. Every county usually has a non-profit that helps out the poor with legal issues.

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Could be age or stress or illness related poor bladder control. You will need to see a doctor to find out what happened and why; there is treatment and other assistance for this problem.

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Absolutely, but you have to show real need to get a court appointed attorney. If you are financially able to afford one, you will have to pay an attorney. If you poor or in debt, the court will give you a public defender.

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Yes stress will make that thing poor. This is the main cause that creates problems. It changes many things in the body.

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Poor time management.

Are there any free resources or services available in Virginia to help a poor drug-addicted friend with his criminal defense?

There are several possible resources in Virginia. If you're looking for help from the court system, several Virginia courts have "Drug Courts" that can impose drug treatment programs instead of jail for some non-violent offenders. Go to the first related CourtReference link and look for "Drug Court" in the descriptions; there are Drug Courts in Richmond and Henrico County (and in Fairfax County for juveniles). Click on the links to go to the programs' websites and read their descriptions and requirements. If you're looking for free legal defense services, defendants who are facing loss of liberty and who can't afford a lawyer are entitled to a Public Defender. The Public Defender will be appointed by the court, and you can ask the court about it. You can also find out more about the Public Defender office in your area at the second related link; I found this and more about lawyer referrals at the third related link, another CourtReference page.

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Poor time management causes stress because a person is left to do all of their work at the last moment. This would not be an issue if the work was spread out over an extended period of time.

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No Jobs and poor treatment