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Yes. However, it is a recurring infection, so you never totally "survive" it. One you contract it, you will have it the rest of your life.

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14y ago

Yes, it is usually only when left untreated that it can be fatal, unfortunately you will probably get some recurring bouts throughout your life.

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13y ago

take your medicine

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Q: Can you survive malaria
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How long does it take a child to die of Malaria?

Infants infected with malaria do not survive to age 1

Why is malaria found in tropical regions only?

Malaria is transmitted by a tropical species of mosquito that cannot survive the cold winters of temperate regions.

How climate change will affect malaria?

As the earth warms, malaria-carrying mosquitoes are able to move further from the equator into countries that previously were too cold for them to survive. This is already happening. The chances are that the incidences of malaria will increase.

Why are red blood cells sickle shaped in a person with sickle cell disease?

Sickle cell is common in people from tropical areas where malaria is prevalent. Malaria can not survive on blood cells that are sickle shaped, so when populations were being killed off by malaria, those with sickle cell were surviving and passing on the sickle cell gene.

Sickle cell anemia has been known to help its carriers survive what disease?

Malaria. See the attached link for details.

Why are people with sickle cell trait resistant to malaria?

Not sure if this is right but could it be because the blood cell does not contain enough oxygen for the parasite to survive?

What the treatment for malaria?

The treatment for malaria depends with the type of malaria. There are two types of malaria: mild malaria and severe malaria. The severe malaria requires intravenous (IV) drug treatment and fluids in the hospital while mild malaria requires oral medication.

Do you always get malaria if you are bitten by a mosquito?

Most of the time no, it is a common misconception that infection with malaria is always a lifelong one. Malaria is caused by a number of species of Plasmodium species, some of which are persistent (can survive indefinitely in an infected person) such as Plasmodium vivax, whereas the more series form Plasmodium falciparum is transient but very severe, this will not persist in an infected person but may kill.

Does a virus causes malaria?

Virus does not cause malaria. Malaria is caused by a protozoa from the genus Plasmodium.

Does yeast cause malaria?

Yeast does not causes malaria. Malaria is caused by protozoa.

What do malaria tablets do?

Give you malaria.

Does South Africa suffer of malaria?

Yes, 3.73 million on average have malaria. Any country where mosquitos with the malaria virus are, you get malaria.