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This depends on whether you have an open wound, therefore allowing it (flu) to be exposed and endanger everyone else in the pool. If you have closed wounds you should be mindful and careful of the other people and that you don't cut yourself or anything of the sort.

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It's possible to go swimming with a fever, but it is definitely not good for you. Your body has a fever to try to rid itself of diseases (cold, flu, etc.). Swimming does not help your body because it exposes it to the cold outside temperatures, which is how one gets the cold/flu in the first place, and leaves your body with no outer layer of defense.

I disagree. First, colds are caused by viruses, not cold temps. And they are more prevalent in cold temps bc people are in close proximity inside to avoid said cold temps. I would say that it is unclear if cooling the body during a swim will somehow dismantle the benefit of a fever. However, the improved blood flow and increased metabolic rate of swimming might offset this.

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Q: Can you swim after getting a flu shot?
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Do they drug test you when you get the flu shot?

Not in the US, unless you are in jail getting the shot. They will ask you questions, though.

How long must a person be free of cold and flu symptoms before getting a flu shot?

While a flu shot will not be effective against any active flu symptoms it will protect against the other flu strains contain in the shot. Flu symptoms such as high fevers, upper respiratory problems should be controlled but the flu virus in a shot is a 'dead' non-active virus and should not affect or cause any current virus.

Is the Swine Flu shot worth getting?

yeah. The question is not getting the swine flu shot worth your life? The swine flu is like a regular cold if u get it it will clear up eventually. If u get the shot which has lead & other harmful stuff it will harm u later in life. Think about it they came up with the vaccine 2 soon

How to get rid of Flu?

You cannot get rid of the flu. It is a virus. The symptoms can only be treated, until your antibodies can destroy the viral structure. This is why you get a flu shot because it significantly reduces the risk of getting the flu.

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it is said getting a flu shot for H1N1/swine flu, I GOT IT TODAY so did my brother 11/11/09!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would it be worth getting flu shot although you have had the flu?

Yes, because the flu changes from year to year and if you don't know if the flu you had was this years or last, why take the risk. Get one every year.

What is a simile for flu shot?

the flu shot was as painful as a bee sting.

Does your nose start bleeding if you do not get the flu shot?

There is usually no relationship between a nosebleed and getting or not getting a vaccination. Your nose can bleed if you get the flu and have dehydration that causes mucous tissue to dry and crack, but you would also have had flu symptoms if that happens. Getting an annual flu vaccination is the wise approach for many reasons, but this is not usually one of them.

How do you get the flu when you already got a flu shot?

There are many different types of flu and the seasonal flu shot only prevents three of the most likely to be circulating flu viruses. So if you happened to get exposed to a type of flu that wasn't in the vaccination, then you could get sick from it.Another reason might be that you caught the flu before you got the flu shot and so there was not time for the shot to work before you got sick.Another reason might be that you got the shot and then were exposed to the flu before your immune system could give you immunity from the vaccination. It takes around two weeks after getting the vaccination for an adult to have full immunity from it. For children under 10, a series of two vaccinations are needed given approximately a month apart, then it takes another few weeks before the body has developed the full immunity, so exposure during any of those time frames before full immunity can cause illness in those children.

Why get a flu shot?

So you don't get the flu.