

Can you swim in mermaid tail made of sweatpants?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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No. Try making the tail out of a material that won't absorb the water. Sweatpants will just become too heavy to be useful.

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Q: Can you swim in mermaid tail made of sweatpants?
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Yes, you can wash a mermaid tail:)

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Can you swim in a mermaid tail at grand trunk?

No it is impossible to swim there a mermaid needs to be in a clean place to where the mermaid is attached to their friends and family and at the grand trunk is just to crowded.

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Where can you buy a mermaid tail that you can swim with in WA Perth?

you can go to, or

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its called arts and craft.

How does a mermaid adapt to its environment?

It adapts because of its tail it has the ability to swim adn its gills for underwater breathing!!

How do you make a mermaid tail out of sweatpants?

First take a pair of stretchy sweatpants and put a safety pin at the end of of the pant legs but before you safety pin it take the pants push in the middle of the end part to form 2 fins then take duck tape or painters tape and tape the ends so it will form a seal then take cotton and stuff the end of the tail and then put both of your legs into the pant hole you stuffed and taped then tuck the extra leg into the back of the pants and now you have a quick and easy mermaid tail!

How do you make a relatively cheap mermaid tail to swim im without a monofin?

Just use flippers our a polo case

What colour tail will you get if you say the spell mermaid mermaid make me a mermaid when i touch water make my tail disappear when im out of water?

Mermaids are not real and people can not become mermaids. I hope you have taken a bath or gone for a swim in your life and not turned into a mermaid by getting in the water. I know that you stayed the same. You can not be a mermaid. This is the truth.

Where can you buy a mermaid tail that you can swim with?

you can either make one using BurnOutHappy's video on youtube called: How to make a mermaid tail or, there is another great site called www.merfolktails-foxmoonproductions. i hope this helped! :)

Will your mermaid tail show when low-tide comes?

No. You do NOT have a mermaid tail. People can not change into mermaids and mermaids are not real. They are only in stories and myths. They are made up and make believe.