

Can you swim when you get your naval pierced?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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If you could swim before you got your naval pierced then you will still be able to swim afterwards, unless it is so huge that its weight drags your to the bottom. If you have just had your naval pierced it is probably a good idea to avoid swimming until the piercing has completely healed, to avoid any risk of infection. Once it has healed swimming shouldn't be a problem.

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Q: Can you swim when you get your naval pierced?
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The South Carolina state law is that one must be 16 or older, to get their naval pierced. The reason for this is that any given person from 14-15 can still have a growth spurt and would damage the naval area if pierced.

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unfortunately not. you have to have parental consent or wait until you're 18.

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Gauze pad taped over the navel is the only protection.