

Can you swim with high bromine?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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no we cant swim with high bromine because bromine has a high density than water and as a result we may sink . ok clear

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Q: Can you swim with high bromine?
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Can you swim if the bromine level is high?

Yes the only way to get the bromine level down is by getting in. You just dont want to get it right after you have used the bromine powder. If you are using a bromine floater with tablets and its getting too high all the time switch the setting on the floater to less hole opening. I also recommend while using the floater in a hot tub is to take it out while using the hottub as it gets in the way. Espacially if its a high level so that it can come down.

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Yes, bromine levels should be kept between 3-5. When they get higher you can add neutralizer to bring it down. High bromine levels will dry out your skin, bleach your suits, and it is unhealthly to swim in.

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If there are high levels of either chlorine or bromine in a hot tub, then these chemicals can be irritating to the skin. Absorbing high levels of bromine can also lead to iodine deficiencies in the body. Chlorine is typically safer.

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the difference between the electronegativity values of sodium and bromine is 1.9 , which is relatively high in general , high differences suggest ionic bonds.

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Oxygen, nitrogen, flourine, chlorine, bromine.

Is the melting point of bromine high or low?

Low, very low.

Why does water have a high boiling point that bromine?

Because water is more dense

What is function of CCl4?

Bromine is nonpolar and needs a nonpolar solvent to do the bromination reaction. CCl4 is a heavy, nonpolar solvent that dissolves the heavy Br2 molecule. With lighter nonpolar solvents such as hexane, the high density Bromine settles out.

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They have low melting points and high reactivity.

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You don't have to swim any distance. High school graduation is based on how well you do in the class, not in the pool.

What is the difference between bromine and liquid bromine?

Liquid bromine is the Real Bromine, while Bromine water is a mixture of Bromine and Water