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I get nervous stomach aches, what I think is acid build up when I get nervous about something, like going on a plane. Someone told me to take Prilosec OTC every day for the rest of my life, but the back of the box says to stop after 14 days. Do you think the treatment will work and for how long should I be taking it?

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Q: Can you take Prilosec OTC Every Day to Prevent Stomach Aches?
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Yes there’s 5 reasons why 1.They eat tablescrapes like chicken bones beans anytime of human food 2.they eat grass for aniexty release in stomach bc there worried or has a mild stomach ache 3. they have stomach aches if they run Like humans bc they have lungs and organs like us 4 . if they eat Stuff like wood it floats in there stomach and it hurts them and they puke wood paneling 5. if ur dog has a very bad mild stomach ache every day i suggest taking it to a pet vet doctor 6. If ur dog looks sad or it’s stomach is rumbling bad that means it’s either having diarrhoea or abt to throw up or just bad Stomach bug 7.if they puke a lot i would really care just either give them water after to wash away the nasty taste they threw up or let them have a lil snack if they need togo again bc that happens big time 8.if u see a dog eating animal catching medicine that’s highly recomened toxic i wold call the animal hostipal 9. If ur dog has bad mild aches i would suggest taking them on a walks or confronting thim

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