

Can you take a hamster on an airplane without it's cage?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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AnswerThey would not allow your hamster on a big plane and I don,t think he would like a little plane, they are very noisy and rough.
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Q: Can you take a hamster on an airplane without it's cage?
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What do you do when your hamster's toes are red?

It might be from being in their cage too long. Just take the hamster out for awhile and clean the cage and if it doesn't improve take it to the vet.

How do you get a hamster out out of its cage?

you open the door of the cage and cup your hands and try to pick him up from underneath if he/she bites you use gloves or a towel

When can you take a hamster out of his cage?

When it is just running around in the cage doing nothing but not when it is asleep!!!!!!

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If the cage is too small take it back and get a new one! Never get anything hamster for a guinea pig. If you have a small cage then that means you got a hamster cage.

What do you do when you first get a hamster and bring it home?

Before you get the hamster you need to get the cage prepared, then you can buy the hamster. The pet shop will give you a cardboard box to take it home in. Once your home, put the cardboard box in the cage then open it and let the hamster crawl into the cage and settle in before you start to handle it.

What is the easiest kind of cage to clean when you have a hamster?

The bigger the cage the better but not so big because your Hamster will do its buisness in more places which means that it'll take more time to clean. Depending on your size of Hamster, the depending of the size of cage. For more Information, visit:

How do you get a hamster into your home?

when you get a hamster of the pet they give u a small little box to travel home with. with the hamster in it you then put the box inside the cage and let her climb out when she has got used to her cage and climbs in to her bed gently take the box out and let him/her get used to the cage and go to sleep.

How long after the mommy hamster has had her babies can you take the mommy out of the cage?

4 weeks

Does a hamster need exercie?

yes, a hamster needs alot of exercise. you should have a wheel at all times in its cage. and u should take it out of its cage for like about 20 minutes a day and put it in a hamster ball or playpen hope this helped

When can you take the mommy hamster out of the cage after she has her babies?

Sorry, but I'm pretty sure you can't but after the mommy hamster dies, you can hold the babies!

How get hamster out its cage?

take the top of but make shore it doesnt ascape or run away

How do you interact with your hamster?

You should take your hamster out of its cage a few times a week, or even every day if you want to. You can put him/her in their hamster ball, a hamster playpen, or just hold them. There are a lot of ways to interact with your hamster.