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Yes but you may not act as her spokesperson or guardian. Planned parenthood is experienced in dealing the legal intracacies of juvenile pregnancies.

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Q: Can you take a minor that is not your child to planned parenthood?
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The morning after pill. You can get it from your gynocologist or from planned parenthood.

Can you get birth control at 15 without you parents knowing at planned parenthood?

Depends on where you live and your age, some countries need your parents consent if you are a minor. If you can get them without your parents knowing am sure you can take them without their knowing, but think long and hard about what you are about to do.

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Just take planned parenthood or 5th to 7th grade sex-ed.

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Yes go take a pregnancy test or go to Planned Parenthood for them to give you a test to be positive.

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No, they cannot legally take the child away. Though a minor, the parent does have rights regarding the child.

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most pharmacies carry and dispense the Plan B or morning after pill. You have to be 18 years old to get it. It cost from 38 to 50 dollars. planned parenthood offices have the plan b pill also. It's actually 2 pills. take 1 then 12 hours later take the other pill

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Someone who wants to have a career and is not financially able to take care of a child

Can you put a lien on a car I sold to minor and she won't pay for?

It is possible. If the minor is your child and the child is still a minor, you can take the car (as a repo). If the child is no longer a minor, you may have to go through channels.

Is it legal for a parent to take their child out of the country against their own will?

If the child is a minor, yes.

Can a Parent take a minor child in a night club?

no, of course not

Is it legal for a parent to take access to their child's bank account?

If the child is an un-emancipated minor, yes.