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Yes, but why? If you are pregnant and already know it...... Yes. Most pregnancy test kits involve testing your urine (usually your first morning urine) You can pick up a test at a drugstore or grocery store. Good luck!

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"Can you have a paternity test while you are pregnant?"

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Q: Can you take a pregnancy test while you're pregnant?
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In general if you have your period you are not pregnant. You can take a home pregnancy test if you are unsure.

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Yes you can do a pregnancy test while in your periods. But there's no need to do it because you are 100% negative. Having monthly periods means that you are not pregnant.

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If they are prescribed by your physician to support your pregnancy.

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If you had sex while you were ovulating, then there is a big chance. Take a preg test to make sure.

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it is possible. take a pregnancy test and consult a physician if you think there is a possiblility that you are pregnant.

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If you are having a period you cannot be pregnant

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