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Q: Can you take adderrall and Concerta during the same 24 hours?
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Does Concerta show up the same as methamphetamine?

yes, concerta is usually more expensive than methylphenidate for some insurance providers

Is Adderall more effective than Concerta?

Answer: Concerta and Adderall aren't very much different at all, except Adderall is more effective and Concerta has less side effects. They both are dopamine reuptake inhibitors. Adderal just seems to be more potent. Concerta is less addictive as well. hope this helps, Megan.******

Is it legal by medical card to take adderrall and suboxone?

i used to be prescribed both at the same time so yeah i imagine.

Can you take Concerta and ultram XL together?

No. Ultram XL is a brand name of tramadol, a drug which raises the seizure threshold. Concerta (brand for methylphenidate) also lowers the seizure threshold putting you at a risk of having a seizure. Moreover, tramadol has stimulant properties on its own which will sinergise with Concerta.

Should concerta be taken with food?

Alcohol, absolutely not. Do not drink any alcohol on the same day you have taken your concerta pill.Redbull contains taurine. Advised not to take with medication.

If you have a prescription for both adderall and Concerta do I need to worry?

No. However, taking both Adderall and Concerta at the same time can be extremely dangerous. Adderall and Concerta are both brand names for stimulants used to treat ADHD/ADD and narcolepsy. Consult with your doctor.

Do you have to keep business hours the same during a restaurant sale?

It would be advisable to keep the hours the same because the neighborhood in that area may be active only during certain times.

Can you take Concerta in the day and xanax at night?

Yes, there is no problem in taking those 2 drugs the same day. However, xanax is not the best choice to reduce concerta-induced insomnia.

Is it common for your son to have headaches and sleep 3-4 hours in the afternoon?

My son also has severe sleepiness after taking the pill and also has nausia. Used to have same symptoms as your son, while a teenager into twenties. Then I got on adderrall after diagnosed with ADD and now no miagraines in years and no afternoon naps.

Does Concerta contain steroids?

No; Concerta contains methylphenidate. Methylphenidate is considered a performance enhancing drug and should be avoided for athletes being tested for steroids since it falls into the same category of banned drugs.

Can you take Concerta if you are taking suboxone?

If both drug are prescribed for the same person, yes they can be taken together.

If Concerta is crushed and snorted will it have the same effect as snorting Adderall?

First of all, prescription drugs should never be crushed and snorted, especially those for ADD or ADHD. These medications are made to be absorbed over a long period of time and when you break them up, they release medication that was supposed to be relased over a 12 hour period. Think of is this way: how many beers would it take someone to stay drunk for 12 hours? A lot, right? Now what happens if someone drinks all of these in one hour? It is extremely easy to overdose this way. Concerta actually does NOT need to build up in your system. As stated above, it releases medicine for 12 hours, and is then out of your system. Concerta is a stimulant, so you don't really want that building up in your system. Concerta does work right away, just like rittalin. You can snort them but if they are time released they will hurt your nose. I've known people who have use vaporizers to smoke concerta, which would make it hit you even stronger than snorting it. Concerta and Adderal both inhibit some of the dopamine from being thrown away. Its the same type of buzz, but it is diffrent. For example You get hungry on Concerta but that doesnt happen on adderall. But in general its the same speeded up happy feeling. But dont sniff the whole pill peel of the outside layer then just sniff the white and pink part also you need to peel off the clear film from around the pill or it will be all gunky in your nose. DO THIS AT UR ON RISK.