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First of all, prescription drugs should never be crushed and snorted, especially those for ADD or ADHD. These medications are made to be absorbed over a long period of time and when you break them up, they release medication that was supposed to be relased over a 12 hour period. Think of is this way: how many beers would it take someone to stay drunk for 12 hours? A lot, right? Now what happens if someone drinks all of these in one hour? It is extremely easy to overdose this way.

Concerta actually does NOT need to build up in your system. As stated above, it releases medicine for 12 hours, and is then out of your system. Concerta is a stimulant, so you don't really want that building up in your system.

Concerta does work right away, just like rittalin. You can snort them but if they are time released they will hurt your nose. I've known people who have use vaporizers to smoke concerta, which would make it hit you even stronger than snorting it. Concerta and Adderal both inhibit some of the dopamine from being thrown away.

Its the same type of buzz, but it is diffrent. For example You get hungry on Concerta but that doesnt happen on Adderall. But in general its the same speeded up happy feeling. But dont sniff the whole pill peel of the outside layer then just sniff the white and pink part also you need to peel off the clear film from around the pill or it will be all gunky in your nose. DO THIS AT UR ON RISK.

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Q: If Concerta is crushed and snorted will it have the same effect as snorting Adderall?
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i think so, ive snorted hydro and it makes my throat itchy and weird

What are the effects of snorting levothyroxine?

WHENEVER PILLS are crushed and snorted, they act more quickly on your body and all at once. That's not how the manufactuer designed the pill to be used. You possibly could end up with an overdose. You could feel a number of different side effects that may include a headache, rapid heartbeat, irritability, chest pain, heart failure, or shock. I wouldn't recommend snorting Levothyroxine (SYNTHROID).

How much Concerta is a lethal dose if snorted?

WARNING: Snorting methylphenidate (Ritalin, Concerta) can cause cardiac arrest.The problem with that is, there are no such studies on this. So maybe, you should think twice before attempting such a risky experiment.Maybe the fatal dose is 72mg; maybe it's 3mg. I'm a doctor and I have not the faintest idea. Why don't you call a medical examiner and ask. You'll break the ice with him; so there won't be any sexual tension before he gets to look at you through a Y incision.

Can you snort Concerta?

Yes, you can snort concerta (methylphenidate). The effects from what I have noticed are slight stimulation, but nothing compared to cocaine or methamphetamine. Concerta is extended-release Ritalin, a stimulant drug used primarily to treat ADHD. Personally, compared to taking it orally, snorting Concerta produced short-lived but greater physical and mental effects with a rapid onset. Your experience will depend on a number of factors such as how your body reacts to Ritalin in general and how many MGs you snort. The extended-release features of a Concerta pill must be bypassed in order to snort it effectively. One way to accomplish this is to place a pill in water for a few minutes and then completely rub off the outer coating of the pill. Next, cut the pill in half, save the white half and throw away the gray half. Secure the pill with pliers or tweezers and carefully remove the waxy outer coating using a razor blade. What remains of the pill can be crushed/shaved and snorted.

Can hydrocodone that is crushed and snorted be detected in a drug test?

Yes. It still enters the body just by a different route.

If d- amphetamine is crushed and snorted will it get you high?

Depends on what kind of pills they are but it isn't a good idea.. at all. Most pills are designed as controlled release or rapid release (which is usually in a gel capsule so they can't be crushed) when you crush a controlled release pill and snort it that turns the active ingredient into rapid release (it starts working quicker) This goes for any pill. Anyways, YES if you mean pills such as oxycodone or adderall, pills like that will get you high but it is VERY unsafe. If you're snorting over the counter meds like ibuprofen then chances are no, you won't get high. A headache if anything.

Do painkillers have the same side effects if they are snorted I mean the same side effects you would have if you were taking them for medical reasons?

No snorting medicine would have a drug effect on you

What happens if you snorted 4 adderall xr in less than 24hrs now suffering panic attacks and doctor says have hyperthyrodism how long before adderall leaves system?

DEATH. GO to the emergency room right now.