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Q: Can you take criticism without feeling hurt or upset?
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What can you answer if your friend hurt your feeling so bad?

Tell them why you feel upset and tell them you didn't like what you said but the truth is the best thing and they will understand why you are upset seal your heart

Do upset and angry mean the same thing?

Not quite.If someone slaps you, you can be upset and angry, but, you can also be upset that your elderly grandmother died, without being angry.Angry means feeling or showing anger or strong resentment.Upset means to disturb mentally or emotionally. Such as: The incident upset her. When you are angry, you're definitely upset, but it's not always the other way around. Upset basically means emotionally hurt. Angry means that you're upset at someone or something.

What are people called who can hurt or kill others without feeling sorry?

its either crazy or that they have no regret...

He dumped you without telling you why?

He's afraid that you might get upset or hurt more with the reason. What i would do is settle down, try to talk to him, tell him that no matter what you wont get upset and you deserve a reason, and see how it goes.

What is the harmful effect of knife?

it can kill you or hurt and upset you

What is the definition of the word offended?

a portrayal of being hurt or upset

Who did the whiskey rebellion hurt?

Small farmers.

Why cant you sleep without your boyfriends shirt?

My boyfriend gave me one of his shirts because if i was upset i wanted to think about him and one day i was upset and i fell asleep with his shirt and now i cant sleep without. if you ask me its like a hug from him and when i hug him i feel safe and i feel like nothing is going to hurt me in that moment so if i sleep with his shirt then i feel safe and like nothing is going to hurt me so thats why i would say you cant sleep without his shirt.

How do you react to people when people call you crazy?

they act hurt and upset

How do you feel when you break up with your boyfriend?

It depends on person to person. No two feeling can be the same . But certainly the most common feeling is of being hurt.

What are tensions?

Tension headaches are headaches when you are super tense and it makes your head hurt. Also you could be really stressed and have a tension headache. When your thinking too hard, worried, feeling a bit upset, or the sound is really high up.

What are 4 emotional reactions after break up?

Mad, Surprised, Upset, and Hurt!