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Once the plant goes yellow (mine in upstate NY is green most of the summer ) then you can cut back. Moving or splitting is a fall or spring job not summer.

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Q: Can you take cuttings from a bleeding heart and plant them?
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Can you split a rosemary plant?

No but you can take cuttings.

What is an example of germinate in a sentence?

The plant had to germinate before I could take cuttings from it.

How do you get a plant from a plant?

Bee's plolinate it then get its seeds and plant them. You can also take cuttings from a plant and root them..... or you can Graft a cutting onto a base plant and grow a hybrid plant.

How do you know which end of a bleeding heart bulb to plant?

The side with the point should be planted facing upwards on a bleeding heart bulb. If the bulb is planted upside down, it will still come up, but will take a little longer.

How are plant tissue culture and the regeneration of plant cuttings alike?

They are basically the same because in both cases somatic multiplication and cell differentiation take place to establish a new plant.

What does propagate mean?

There are several meanings: one being when a gardener increases plant stock by propagation. Another is the increase in population. Propagation means to multiply, increase in number. A gardener make take cuttings of certain plants and propagate the cuttings, to increase the number of plants that can be planted out the following year.

Does autumn sedum plant reproduce by leaves?

You can take cuttings of sedum and root them. This is asexual reproduction. However, sedum do have flowers and make seeds. This is sexual reproduction.

You want to save your beautiful huge coleus plant you just brought it inside and you would rather not take cuttings HELP?

Keep it watered and out of frost and in good light.

What does propagate?

There are several meanings: one being when a gardener increases plant stock by propagation. Another is the increase in population. Propagation means to multiply, increase in number. A gardener make take cuttings of certain plants and propagate the cuttings, to increase the number of plants that can be planted out the following year.

Can you take cuttings from a kiwifruit tree that is in dormant stage?


How do you start a new Christmas cactus from an existing plant?

Take cuttings of about two sections and place in a peat sand 50/50 mixture, water and leave alone in a warm situation and they will root.

What do expressions bleeding heart and light heart mean?

The expression "bleeding heart" refers to a person who is excessively sympathetic or compassionate towards others. On the other hand, "light heart" refers to someone who is carefree, cheerful, or lighthearted.