

Can you take guinea pigs in a caravan?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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of course you can you just have to be very careful like when no one is in the caravan always leave a window open to corculate the air and never ever use an aresol or air freshener as this can damage their lungs

so yes you can but just be careful

i hope this has helped if any one has any other questions about rabbits or guinea pigs please email them to me at thanks


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12y ago

you can take it to the airport but i wouldn't bring my guinea pig on a plane

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13y ago

Yes but you cannot take it to your seat with you, it has to be put in the animal part of the plane in a cage. Then when you arrive you have to send it to quarantine.

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Some airlines will allow you to have a pet on board based on certain restrictions. Please check the airline you are traveling on!

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Q: Can you take guinea pigs in a caravan?
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Most vets will take guinea pigs. Look in your phone book.

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Guinea Pigs are Rodents, and their teeth are always growing. Provide them with materials to gnaw on, and they will take care of their own teeth.

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tried and tested. 1000 guinea pigs exactly.

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usually guinea pigs will eat the meat and stop at the skin. same with watermelon

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Take them to a vet.

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No,do not give your guinea pig any human medicine.

What do guinea pigs do if there sick?

You need to take ur guinea pig to the vet when u can.

Can guinea pigs take care of themselves?

No the owners take care of them

Are guinea pigs a pig or?

No!!!!!!!They are actually part of the rodent family.

Can Guinea Pigs live in caravans?

They could as long as they are healthy and have a clean cage. I have a guinea pig but he lives out side. I guess the caravan will be the same. Just be aware that a caravans temperature can rise very quickly in the warmer months. Always make sure the caravan is adequately ventilated. Unless you live in a place with very moderate temperatures all year round, guinea pigs should be in the house. I suppose if you live in the caravan, and it is heated and cooled, it would be fine, but they are sensitive to temperature.