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NOO! don't be stupid:L i bet your one of those skinny people that do stupid things to be skinny when they already are, but if you are fat, EXERCISE, or if your really desperate, surgery, but that's risky but hormone pills WONT work and their dangerous and stupid, hope this helped, trust points?<3

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Q: Can you take hormone pills to get skinny?
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Is it safe for you to take estrogen pills?

Of course! When i was having my baby i was prescibred to take Estrogen Pills, the hormone injection helped me alot. Sarah,

Can you stop taking your sugar pills before they run out?

Yes, as long as you start taking the hormone pills when you are supposed to. The sugar pills are just to keep you in the habit and make sure you start the hormone pills on the correct day. If you are stopping taking pills altogether you need not take any sugar pills at all.

If miss the pills and don't take it how in how many days I will have my period?

When the hormone levels drop.

Are birth control pills and hormone pills the same?

Birth control pills can be used for hormone replacement in certain situations, but hormone replacement pills can not be used as birth control pills. Consult your health care provider or pharmacist for advice specific to your situation.

Can you get pregnant taking hormone pills?


What is the hormone in the IUD?

The Mirena IUD contains levonorgestrel. This is the same hormone found in many birth control pills and morning after pills.

What is the most effective pills a man can take to make him look like a woman?

As far as pills are concerned, the best way to become feminine is to be prescribed hormone therapy (HRT) and see an endocrinologist for appropriate action. But, for men who aren't transgendered, I have seen female hormone pills for sale on ebay.

Are you still protected the first day of hormone pills you take after the placebo week?

Hormone pills are NOT necessarily birth control pills, so you should make sure that it is intended for the correct usage. And no, you can't get pregnant on the last week of the inactive pills, you've already been taking three weeks of the active pills by then, which is why those pills are for the last week of your cycle; which usually are some sort of iron supplement.

Can you live without your thyroid gland?

The outcome of this surgery is usually excellent. Most people will need to take thyroid hormone pills (thyroid hormone replacement) for the rest of their lives.

Does having irregular periods and havet to take hormone pills or birth control to start it mean you cant have children?

No. If you get periods, you can get pregnant.

Can you have a hormone imbalance if you are taking birth control pills?


How to eliminate hormonal block?

Treatment for a hormonal imbalance will depend on what's causing it. If you have lower-than-normal hormone levels, the main treatment is hormone replacement therapy. Depending on which hormone is deficient, you may take oral medication (pills) or injection medication.