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Q: Can you get pregnant taking hormone pills?
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Can you stop taking your sugar pills before they run out?

Yes, as long as you start taking the hormone pills when you are supposed to. The sugar pills are just to keep you in the habit and make sure you start the hormone pills on the correct day. If you are stopping taking pills altogether you need not take any sugar pills at all.

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What happens if you've already conceived when you start taking birth control pills?

You should not be pregnant when you start taking the pills as you start taking them within a week of the start of your period and if you have a period you are 99.5% sure you are not pregnant. However if you are pregnant the pills will have no effect.

Are you still protected the first day of hormone pills you take after the placebo week?

Hormone pills are NOT necessarily birth control pills, so you should make sure that it is intended for the correct usage. And no, you can't get pregnant on the last week of the inactive pills, you've already been taking three weeks of the active pills by then, which is why those pills are for the last week of your cycle; which usually are some sort of iron supplement.

Can you drink alcholol when taking hormone replacement tablets?

Ask your doctor. They will have exact information on the pills you are taking.

What is the risk of taking birth control while pregnant?

Most manufacturers of The Pill claim there is no effect from low hormone pills on a developing embryo. My own little BCP baby is now grown and currently pregnant herself.

Will you be pregnant after taking 2 pills?

No, pills do not cause pregnancy. Sex causes pregnancy.

When your stop taking 21 pack pills?

When you want to get pregnant.

Can you get pregnant if your taking weight loss pills?

No u can't

Should you continue taking fertility pills after becoming pregnant?


Can you take a pill to get pregnant if your tubes are tied?

You can't get pregnant by taking pills, no matter what you do to your tubes.

If you are taking yasmin pills and become pregnant what would happen to your baby?

What kind of diet pills??? Dr. Dan