

Can you take methadone 6 hours after taking Vicodin?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Can you take methadone 6 hours after taking Vicodin?
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Can you take one methadone pill and one vicodin together?

If you want to, yes. But the methadone is a much more potent opiate than Vicodin. If you are taking an adequate dose of methadone, then it is likely that all your opiate receptors in your brain are full. That is, in fact, the point of taking methadone. If they are, then you probably won't "feel" anything from the Vicodin. If you are not taking an adequate dose of methadone, then the Vicodin will help with pain/opiate withdrawls/whatever you are taking it for. It is important to add that if you take the Vicodin with methadone, or any long acting/extended release opiate, that you are still increasing your chances of respiratory depression(the #1 risk of taking too many pain-killers or benzodiazopenes) EVEN IF you do not "feel" the effects from the Vicodin.

Can you use methadone to treat Vicodin withdrawals?

Yes, you can. But it is absolutley pointless because methadone is an opiod blocker. It clogs your opiod receptors and blacks other opiates from having any effects. I would not recommend taking any other opiates with methadone, but there isn't really any problem with them mixing as long as you are taking them both as prescribed.Methadone is an OPIATE BLOCKER, therefore if you do take them together you will be defeating the purpose of the VICODIN because as I'm sure you know VICODIN is an OPIATE and you will have no effects from the VICODIN. Therefore, what I'm trying to say is you are actually wasting the VICODIN and adding more DISTRESS to your LIVER AND KIDNEYS. So take one or the other, not both.You can mix vicodin and methadone, but if you are lookin to get a high off of the vicodin you won't....methadone blocks out the receptors that make you have that "high" feeling when you take pain killers. most people end up ODing when trying to take pain killers with methadone because they wonder why they aren't getting high and keep taking more and more pain killers not realizing that they wont get that high feeling.

Can I take Vicodin 4 hours after taking tylneol?

no, wait 5-6 hours

Is it safe to take morphine after taking methadone hours before?

Absolutely NOT.

Is it safe to take a 10mg methadone and a 10mg vicodin in the same day?

If 10mg methadone is an ok dose for you, then go for it my friend (:

Is it safe to take vicodin and vitamin B12?

There are no adverse effects of taking vitamin B-12 with Methadone. My doctor administers my B-12 shots and I am on a Methadone prescription for pain.

Can you take methadone after taking Dilaudid?

Yes you can but the methadone will block the Dilaudid.

Can you take methadone while taking robaxin?

can you test postive for methadone while taking methocarbamol

Took 10 mg of methadone and still sick can you take suboxone?

No, if you take methadone, you should not mix it with suboxone. Make sure the methadone is out of you system before taking suboxone. Combining these medications can result in instant withdrawals and severe sickness.

Were to get help when you take methadone?

tell a freind that your taking methadone because methadone is all about the peer pressure. Your relative or freind will take you to a treatment center

How many mg of methadone equals 20 mg of vicodin?

I was a vicodin addict , and I took 4-5 three times a day. I was fine on 30 mg of methadone, and then stailized at 40 mg. I was taking vic's through the night too. And it was hard taking methadone once a day. That's probably why I needed 40 mg of meth. On the flip side, I should of tried subutex for withdrawl, although its expensive it would of been less of an addiction. Now I have been taking meth for 5 years, because I enjoy it. Its really NOT good. Think twice before switching, if you want to be addicted worse then be my guest! Ozzie

What is a normal dosage of methadone for a female who been on it for 2 years?

There is no "normal dose" for a "female on methadone for two years" It depends on the person, and the amount drugs they used prior to taking methadone. I am currently a patient at a methadone clinic, and when I first started I would ask myself "am I taking a normal amount, but my counselor told me not to worry about the # of mg's I am on, but to focus on my recovery. Only you can truly know if the dose you are on is working for you. I can tell you before I started methadone, I was taking Tramadol (which is not very common for methadone patients) sometimes I would take 20 pills a day. sometimes I would take percocet, vicodin, whatever. I've been a patient for 6 months and I am on 80 mg's of methadone per day. Good luck with your recovery!