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There is no "normal dose" for a "female on methadone for two years" It depends on the person, and the amount drugs they used prior to taking methadone. I am currently a patient at a methadone clinic, and when I first started I would ask myself "am I taking a normal amount, but my counselor told me not to worry about the # of mg's I am on, but to focus on my recovery. Only you can truly know if the dose you are on is working for you. I can tell you before I started methadone, I was taking Tramadol (which is not very common for methadone patients) sometimes I would take 20 pills a day. sometimes I would take percocet, vicodin, whatever. I've been a patient for 6 months and I am on 80 mg's of methadone per day. Good luck with your recovery!

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Q: What is a normal dosage of methadone for a female who been on it for 2 years?
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