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Yes, they're not only Ok, they're recommended. Your immune system is utilizing every resource it can to fight an infection, so supplying it and the rest of your body with the proper vitamins is an important thing to do.

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13y ago

If you can take them when not sick, you can take them with a cold or the flu. They will probably even help you fight the virus.

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Q: Can you take multivitamins when sick with flu or cold?
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another word for cold is flu or sick :]

How do you prevent the flu?

Vaccination. Wash your hands often. Take multivitamins and vitamin C everyday. Live a healthy lifestyle.You can wash your hands before eating and after. Also just stay away from sick people.

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Not necessarily.

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You'll get cold... you might get a cold or a sick and cold

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Yes. They kill flu viruses, sickness and cold so they can protecting you from getting sick.

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actually your eyes do not burn when you have a fever but they do hurt when you have a cold or the flu.

What are some of the things everyone can do for virus protection in cold and flu season?

Take vitamin C to help boost your immune system, and if you do happen to get sick I've found that Cold FX works wonders.

If cold and flu are spread by a virus why does one get sick when one goes out in the cold?

Cold weather may cause a runny nose, and occasional sneezing, and both colds and the flu can be airborne. Therefore, its all in the bodys reaction to cold weather.

If you have the flu what would be best without the flu shots?

I'd take a flu mist. The one when it is sprayed up your nose. A lot of people get sick from flu shots.

Can you take cold and flu tablets while taking paroxetine?

Yes, there are no harmful interactions between paroxetine and any cold/flu medication.

When you are sick do you have the flu?

There are many thousands, if not millions, of reasons you can get sick; flu is not the only sickness. If you have the flu you are usually sick, but it isn't the other way around.