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You can, but as a general rule you should try to cover it with something rather than remove it. Once the adhesive of the patch has stuck to your skin and you remove it, it's hard to get it to stick again without some type of assistance, like a Bioclusive cover or even clear medical tape on the edges. The reason is that when you remove it, it also removes a thin layer of skin that it was attached to, or the dirt/hair/particles that were on your skin at the time. That means when you try to attach it again, you're not getting the full adhesion quality of a new patch. It's like pulling a piece of tape off of a package and trying to reuse it.

Just cover it with piece of plastic - you can use a Ziploc or you can even use Saran wrap wrapped around your arm stuck to itself. Cut it to fit over the patch, then tape it with waterproof/resistant medical tape. Most patches are made to be worn in a shower anyway, so you can probably use it without problem unless your skin isn't conducive to great adhesion. The key to any patch sticking well is prepping the skin properly, as skin oil, hairs, dirt and other things can reduce the adhesion effectiveness.

Bioclusive patches are available and used by many who wear Fentanyl patches. While they're not cheap, they are effective in covering the patch. Prepping your skin is the best option though - clean the area well, give it a good wipe with isopropyl alchohol, then rinse it and dry it well. Always rinse any area you've used Iso on as it leaves a residue that can interfere with adhesion. When you put the patch on, hold your hand over it for about a minute. The heat from your hand and body works to soften the adhesive, making it stick better and also harder for water to just make it come off easily.

You can also use a product called Skin-Prep to further help hold the patch if you're having problems. Skin-Prep is product that comes in wipes like alcohol pads, that you put on your skin where the edges of the patch will stick to. It significantly increases adhesion ability through any type of wetness. Skin-Prep can be found in most pharmacies - it's normally used by colostomy patients, but is great for patches of any type. There are 2 kinds - the original tends to sting, but the other one doesn't. The no-sting type is also a lot more expensive, but worth it.

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Q: Can you take the lidoderm patch off to shower and then put it back on?
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