

Can you talk to a ghost without a EVP?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Yes you can.

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Q: Can you talk to a ghost without a EVP?
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Can you hear ghosts without actually seeing them?

Yes you can. Watch Ghost Hunters on wendsdays on Sci Fi Channel (58) at 7:00 and they will talk about EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomana) Technically, a ghosts voice,

Where can you get a ghost evp?

any where between 10:30 pm- 5 am

What is all the noise in the background when using an ghost evp?

White noise

What are those people called when they check for ghost EVP's?

Paranormal investigators

How can you catch a ghost?

You can't really catch a ghost. You can catch a ghost on an EVP or electronic voice phenomena or on a camera. There are people that are exclusively ghost hunters.

What kind of radio kit is good for ghost communication?

Best thing is an EVP

How do you know ghosts are real?

Take a look at some of the ghost pics on google, take a look at ghost videos on youtube and listen to some of the spooky evp redordings on youtube. evp are noises recorded that are made by ghosts as evidence of the paranormal.

What is an EVP recording?

It is a ghost voice you get from a digital recorder. It usually sounds like people talking in Static on the radio.

How do you speak to a ghost?

In order to talk to a ghost you have to be able to hear them. I guess you can talk to one without being able to hear it, the hgost can give you signs but then you can only ask yes or no questions maybe a little more. When you talk to a ghost remember that the ghost was maybe a human before so talk to them like they are, strat with hi and ask thier name.

Where can you find EVP recordings on the internet?

You can find EVP samples by typing in any search engine (VP samples) There are numerous sites that offer sound snippets of what are proclaimed to be spirit of ghost voices. One such site is Weather the voices are ghosts or not is a subject much debate and disagreement.

How do you talk to the ghost in the house?

Talk to the ghost any way you want to; it won't complain.

Can you talk to a ghost if you can here it whisper?

Unknown. You may be able to talk to a ghost, but this is not verified.