

Can you taste chlorine

Updated: 4/4/2024
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11y ago

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Never mind tasting it , You can smell it. It has a clean sharp smell . Household bleach smell is chlorine bring given off.

NB Chlorine is an extremely poisonous green/yellow gas . It will react with almost anything, so don't go tasting chlorine. If you accidently ingest 'chlorine/bleach ', then drink as much (cows)milk as possibly and get to a doctor/a&E/Emergenccy Room/

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11y ago

Yes, but not for long. Chlorine gas will poison you very quickly.

It is a particularly unpleasant way to go, too. You drown as your lungs fill with your body fluids but, you really don't notice that because of the burning pain as it destroys your eyes and other mucous membranes.

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no because they are many bad chemicals in chlorine. It will taste really bad

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Chlorine water filters are used to remove chlorine from a source of water. It can be used to remove the taste of chlorine from water and is often used in pools.

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The water has chlorine in it to kill bacteria and viruses, so they are really tasting the chlorine, not the water.

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Sodium to make salt.

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We just had two bottles of Ice Mountain spring water that had a very evident taste of chlorine. Have not had that before.

What does chlorine taste like?

Yes. A bad one too. If you swim at an outdoor or public pool, you will have smelled the chlorine that is added to clean the water. The taste is the same. Chlorine is used in the process or water purification and it can sometimes be tasted in your drinking water. Too much chlorine in your drinking water can cause erosive esophagitis. Its similar to heartburn but harder to get rid of.

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It actually appears to taste better than cold water straight from the tap... Boiling drives off most chemical additives such as chlorine or fluoride. Pure water has no taste or smell.

Is there clorine in shower water?

Oh yes a lot and the vapors are causing cancer related problems. It depends on the water source. If it's water from a well it may not. Large cities will have chlorine. Where I am, in Nebraska they do not add chlorine to the water supply. Water that has been treated with chlorine will taste and often smell of chlorine.

Why not put sodium and chlorine on your food?

Sodium and chlorone ar toxic and corrosive; sodium chloride is an additive for taste improvement.

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Freshwater is not salty. Saltwater is salty.