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Q: Can you tell internal bleeding though a blood test?
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How can you tell if someones bleeding on the inside?

signs of internal bleeding would include tight and painful abdomen and chest, the vomiting of blood or discoloration in skin.

How do you tell if your goldfish is bleeding?

Blood comes out of your fish, that's how you can tell if something is bleeding.

What can be learned from a bleeding scan?

The scan gives a rough, though not exact, guide as to the location of the bleeding. It can tell where the bleeding may be, but usually not the cause.

How can you tell if you have brain internal bleeding?

Upset stomach, dizzyness, disorientation, black spots, or pressure are some symptomes.

You have black bowel movements help?

Call a doctor! If it's REALLY black it can mean internal bleeding! Just tell a doctor!

How do you tell when your female dog is going to get in heat?

Well they bleed but only for about a week. They are still in heat though they are not bleeding

What do you do if your neighbors cat has diarrhoea and blood on him bum?

tell him or her that there cats has possible rectal bleeding and that they need to rush him or her to the vet right away.

How do you differentiate blood due to hymen rupture and menstrual blood after first intercourse?

There is no way to tell them apart, although bleeding from hymen rupture may be very short and spotty.

How can you tell the difference betweenan early period and implantation bleeding?

How can you tell the difference between an early period and implantation bleeding?

If you are still bleeding a few days after a miscarriage can a doctor be able to tell if you had one or not?

Yes, they will do an ultrasound and blood test and may do a physical exam. (I'm a doctor)

Youre bleeding to death and four friends rush you to the hospital you dont know your blood type but your friends tell you theirs which would be safest for a transfusion?


Blood orange parrotfish how do you tell male or female?

Male Blood Parrots will have more pinky colouration behind or around their gills, wheres femals wont. This isn't definite and can be hard to tell though.