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If you have heartburn or acid reflux disease eating foods can be challenging. You need to stay away from very spicy foods as they cause flare ups.���heartburn-gerd/guide/���heartburn-foods-to-avoid

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Q: Can you tell me which foods cause heartburn and acid reflux?
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Related questions

Is acid reflux the same as heartburn?

Heartburn is a symptoms of acid reflux that shows up as tightness, pain or discomfort in the chest area. Acid reflux occurs when acid in stomach regurgitates up into the esophagus. Heartburn follows by the acid reflux. Heartburn can not happen without acid reflux.

Do certain foods cause acid reflux heartburn?

Acid reflux can also be known as GERD. Having this problem does not have to do so much with what you eat but what you do with and/or after it.

Is there a safe and health diet for someone with heartburn?

Certain foods can aggravate your heartburn symptoms, and when planning your acid reflux diet, it's best to limit or avoid completely those foods and drinks that result in acid reflux. There are some foods that have little or no potential for causing heartburn.

What kind of people are recommended for an anti-reflux diet?

Anti-reflux diets should be started by people who suffer from acid reflux or heartburn. Try to avoid foods that trigger the heartburn, such as highly spiced dishes. A food diary is recommended on several websites to keep track of foods that trigger the acid reflux or heartburn. a very informative site is

What is a good diet for people with acid reflux disease?

Having acid reflux disease is about the same as having heartburn. There are certain foods that will cause problems. One is spicy foods. You should drink a lot of milk. There are diets that help.

Is heartburn or acid reflux the technical name?

Heartburn and acid reflux can feel similar, but in reality, they are not the same thing. So first and foremost, there would be two technical names. For heartburn, the medical term is pyrosis. For acid reflux, the term is gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Is commonly known as heartburn?

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is commonly known as heartburn and acid reflux.

What does acid reflux diet means?

Acid reflux disease is a medical condition that causes chronic heartburn and regurgitation. It can be treated with dietary changes such as eating smaller meals and meals with low fat and high protein content. The benefit of treating the condition with a diet change are that it removes the need for long term medication.

Are there effective heartburn diets?

There is a diet to avoid heartburn and it is called the Acid Reflux Diet. It is effective because while on the diet, you are simply avoiding the foods that cause your heartburn, and eat the foods that are 'safe'. Here is a chart that will get you more familiar with the diet :

Where can I find online resources for help with acid reflux problems?

You can find information about the symptoms of acid reflux disease online. There are many websites you can go on to find information about the symptoms of acid reflux disease. A good website to go on to find information about acid reflux disease would be Webmd.

What kind of diet should someone with acid reflux eat?

People with acid reflux should avoid caffeine, greasy food, grains, sweets and acidic foods. Alcohol can also trigger heartburn, so it should be avoided. has a heartburn section that includes charts listing foods to be avoided, foods to eat with discretion and foods that are safe.

What is another word for heartburn?

acid reflux