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Q: Can you think of ways where we can be constructive instead of destructive towards nature?
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Name to forces of nature that are catigorized as both destructive and constructive?


Is stone mountain made by constructive forces or destructive forces?

Stone Mountain was probabaly made by constructive forces, since it is from underground and Mother nature helped it rise.

How is rain constructive and destructive?

To start with, rain is actually a force of nature which is constructive as well as destructive. When it sees a field in need it descends. They are considered heavenly showers by the peasants as the rain adorns thir crops with their godly touch. But at the same time, they are destructive as, if they rain angrily and heavily they cause destruction everywhere and sometimes are fatal.

Is man destructive by nature or by choice?

Humans have the capacity for both destructive and constructive behaviors, and their actions are influenced by a combination of factors, including genetics, upbringing, environment, and personal choice. While some destructive behaviors may be instinctual, individuals also have the ability to make conscious decisions to act in ways that promote positivity and harmony.

Sentence containing word 'destructive'?

A tornado is a destructive force of nature.

What is a constructive force of a nature?

A earthquake

What is a constructive force of nature A volcano B tsunami C hurricane or D erosion?

Volcanoes are constructive, as they build up the land.

Is a volcano a constructive force of nature?

A volcano is a constructive force of geology. Molten magma forms new rocks. Lava flows can form new islands and land forms.

What is an example of constuctive force?

== == * volcano tsunami hurricane earthquake. these are destructive forces with exception with the volcano which does create new land. * i know of one which is a convergent plate boundary with both plates being continental and them both going up.

What are the destructive forces of nature?

storms,temperturerates, and forest fires.

What evidence is there that electromagnetic waves possesses wave nature?

The evidence is, among others, in interference experiments, which indicate a wave nature. The only evidence we have is the fact that all electromagnetic radiation exhibits refraction, reflection, diffraction, dispersion, constructive and destructive interference, and that each of these behaviors is accurately predicted and described by the math of wave-motion that matches the frequency of the radiation.

Why is Stone Mountain a constructive force?

Stone Mountain is a quartz monzonitedome monadnock in Stone Mountain, Georgia, United States. At its summit, theelevation is 1,686 feet (513m) and 825 feet (251.5 m) above the surrounding area. Stone Mountain granite extends underground 9 miles (14 km) at its longest point into Gwinnett County. Earth has different landforms, or features. Landforms are made by constructive and destructive forces within and upon the Earth. Constructive forces basically have to do with Nature... so that should explain it.